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Tag: hydration

Agricultural workers

Agricultural safety center, UF/IFAS release heat-related illness toolkit

June 18, 2024

The Southeastern Coastal Center for Agricultural Health and Safety (SCCAHS) and the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) have partnered to create an online toolkit to help protect agricultural workers from ... READ MORE

Category: Agribusiness, Agriculture, Crops, Farm Management
Tags: Agriculture, Ashley McLeod-Morin, Center For Public Issues Education, Education, Educational, Guide, Heat, Heat-illness, Heatstroke, Hydration, IFAS, Institute Of Food And Agricultural Sciences, Kidney Injury, Megan Winslow, PIE Center, SCCAHS, Southeastern Coastal Center For Agricultural Health And Safety, Summer, Temperature, Toolkit, UF, UF-IFAS, University Of Florida

Re-think Your Beverage Choices

May 8, 2024

Do you drink many sugar sweetened drinks like regular soda, sweet tea or flavored coffee beverages? Maybe it is time to re-think your drink, as we say at Extension, and switch to non-sugary, healthier beverage choices. Water is an example of ... READ MORE

Category: Health & Nutrition, UF/IFAS Extension, UF/IFAS Teaching
Tags: 100% Fruit Juice, Added Sugar, Added Sugars, Better Health, Broward County, Budget, Calories From Sugar Can Add Up, Eating For Good Health, Empty Calories, How Many Teaspoons Of Sugar Are There In A Bottle Of Soda?, Hydration, Limit Added Sugar, Limit Added Sugars, MyPlate And Beverage Choices, Re-think Your Drink, Stick To Your Budget, Think Nutrition And Health, Tight Budgets, Why Should I Rethink My Drink?

National Nutrition Month: Beyond the Table

March 13, 2024

This year's National Nutrition Month® theme is "Beyond the Table," which addresses the farm-to-fork aspect of nutrition, from food production and distribution to navigating grocery stores and farmers markets. It also describes the various ways ... READ MORE

Category: Fruits & Vegetables, Health & Nutrition, SFYL Hot Topic, UF/IFAS, UF/IFAS Extension, UF/IFAS Teaching
Tags: Develop Healthful Eating Patterns, Eat Healthy Snacks, Eatright, Engage In Home Food Safety, Engage In Physical Activityu, Engage In Self Care, Fight Food Waste, Food Safety, Get Enough Sleep, Grocery Shopping, Habits For A Lifetime, Healthy Messages, Hydration, Incorporate Physical Activity, Learn Cooking Skills, Make 1/2 Your Plate Fruit And Vegetables, Make A Menu, Make Informed Choices, MyPlate, National Nutrition Month, Nutrition, Nutrition Month In March, Nutritious Choices, Reduce Food Waste, Use A Grocery List

Beat the Florida Heat: Hydrating Foods to Keep You Cool and Refreshed this Summer

May 17, 2023

Florida's scorching summer temperatures can be relentless!  The heat can take a lot out of us – especially water.  It leaves us searching for ways to cool down and stay hydrated. While drinking plenty of water is essential, did you know ... READ MORE

Category: Agriculture, Food Safety, Fruits & Vegetables, Health & Nutrition, , Work & Life
Tags: Health And Wellness, Hydration, Nutrition, Staying Cool, Summer Heat, Water
a drop of water splashes into an otherwise smooth pool of blue water. [credit: pixabay.com, roegger]

Age Friendly: Smart Lifestyle Choices for Healthy Aging—Not Feeling Thirsty?

May 2, 2023

Our last "Age Friendly" series post looked at sodium and how much is too much in our daily lives. That also includes making sure you get enough water, which we'll talk about in this post. You probably know that if you don't drink enough fluid, ... READ MORE

Category: Health & Nutrition, Work & Life
Tags: Age, AgeFriendly, Aging, Dehydration, Diet, Food, Health, Healthy, Hydration, Lifestyle, Nutrition, Pgm_FCS, Thirst, Water

Heat, Hydration, and Dehydration: Fire Safety and Preparedness

August 1, 2022

This is the 5th blog in this series. So far, we have covered knowing the signs and symptoms of heat-related illness, sources of water, tips to drink more water, and ideas to beat the heat and stay safe. Next, I am going to cover some tips ... READ MORE

Category: Disaster Preparation, Health & Nutrition, UF/IFAS Extension,
Tags: And Dehydration Series, Be Careful With Fireworks, Broward County, Clean Debris From Your Property, Dangers Of The Risk Of Fire, Fire Can Break Out Quickly, Fire Preparedness, Fire Protection, Fire Safety, Follow Burning Regulations, Have A Plan, Heat, Heat Hydration And Dehydration, Heat Hydration Dehydration Series, How To Use A Fire Extinguisher, Hydration, Know Evacuation Routes, Know Where Evacuation Shelters Are Located, PASS, Stay Safe, Steps To Prepare, UF/IFAS Extension Blog Series On Heat, UF/IFAS Solutions, What Can I Do For Fire Safety?, Wildfires

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