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Category: Fruits & Vegetables

Set of three photos: purple long beans in a hand, greens in a raised bed, and person planting a transplant into a garden.

Starting a Vegetable Garden in Central Florida: A New Episode of Your Central Florida Yard Podcast

August 26, 2024

So you want to start a vegetable garden... Before you dig in, there are a few basic tips that will help you grow a successful vegetable garden in central Florida. From proper timing for seasonal vegetables, to soil prep, water, fertilizer, ... READ MORE

Category: Fruits & Vegetables, Home Landscapes, Horticulture
Tags: Anne Yasalonis, Ayasalonis, Central Florida, Florida-Friendly Landscaping, Master Gardener Volunteer, Polk County, Polk County FL, Polkgardening, Polkmg, UF-IFAS, UF/IFAS Polk County, Vegetable Gardening, Your Central Florida Yard, Your Central Florida Yard Podcast

South Florida residents give urban farming a green thumbs-up as catalyst for ecosystem services, sustainable city growth

August 22, 2024

Urban agriculture is emerging as a key player in the search to develop sustainable cities, offering not just fresh produce but a portfolio of ecosystem services that can extend far beyond the farm and community gardens. In the vibrant ... READ MORE

Category: Agribusiness, Agriculture, Community Volunteers, Fruits & Vegetables, Health & Nutrition, SFYL Hot Topic, UF/IFAS, UF/IFAS Research, Work & Life
Tags: Broward, Community Gardens, Ecosystem Services, Featured Hot Topic, Fort Lauderdale Research And Education Center, Miami-Dade, Palm Beach, Qiu, School Of Forest Fisheries And Geomatics Sciences, UF/IFAS School Of Forest, Urban Agriculture, Urban Farming, Urban Planners
Olive oil bottles

UF olive oil study suggests ‘less-is-more’ approach

August 21, 2024

As a staple of plant-based diets like the Mediterranean diet, olive oil has long been lauded for its ability to lower heart disease risk. A recently published University of Florida study, however, suggests other elements of that diet may play ... READ MORE

Category: Fruits & Vegetables, Health & Nutrition
Tags: Andrea Krenek, Cholesterol, Division Of Cardiovascular Medicine, Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Food Science And Human Nutrition Department, IFAS, Institute Of Food And Agricultural Sciences, LDL, Mediterranean Diet, Megan Winslow, National Institute Of Diabetes And Digestive And Kidney Diseases, Olive Oil, Recipe For Heart Health, Research, Study, UF, UF-IFAS, University Of Florida

Taller sobre pitahaya fomenta entusiasmo y colaboración para una industria en crecimiento en Florida

August 19, 2024

Creado por Lourdes Mederos, gerente de relaciones públicas en español para el Departamento de Comunicaciones de UF/IFAS. La pitahaya, también conocida como pitaya o fruta del dragón, es un superalimento saludable para el corazón, bajo ... READ MORE

Category: Agribusiness, Agriculture, Crops, Fruits & Vegetables, Horticulture, SFYL Hot Topic, UF/IFAS, UF/IFAS Research
Tags: Cactus, Cactus Neotropical, Clinica De Diagnostico De Plantas, Consumidores, Cosecha, Cultivo, Distribuidores, Español, Florida, Fruta, Fruta Tropical, Horticultura, Impulsar La Industria Comercial De La Pitahaya, Industria, Industria Auxiliar, Iniciativa De Investigacion De Cultivos Especiales, Instituto Nacional De Alimentos Y Agricultura Del Departamento De Agricultura De Los Estados Unidos, Jonathan Crane, La Fruta Del Dragon, Mercado, Miami-Dade, Pitahaya, Pitaya, Productores´, Pulpa De La Pitahaya, Romina Gazis, Spanish, Super Alimento, Super Fruta, Taller, Trabajadores De Campo, TREC, USDA-NIFA

Retired UF professor leaves enduring legacy online through sustainable agriculture course

August 19, 2024

It’s been years since University of Florida Professor Emeritus George Hochmuth set foot inside a classroom, yet students from all over the world still benefit from his lessons every day. As the architect of Coursera’s Sustainable Agricultural ... READ MORE

Category: Agribusiness, Agriculture, Crops, Farm Management, Fruits & Vegetables
Tags: Agricultural, Agriculture, Class, Course, Coursera, Crop Production, Farm, Farming, Free, George Hochmuth, IFAS, Institute Of Food And Agricultural Sciences, Lecture, Megan Winslow, Nutrient Demands, Nutrition, Online Course, Professor Emeritus, Soil Fertility, Soil Testing, Soil Water And Ecosystem Sciences, Student, Sustainable Agricultural Land Management, Sustainable Agriculture, Sustainable Practices, UF, UF-IFAS, University Of Florida

Everglades Tomatoes with Baked Goat Cheese

August 15, 2024

Ever grown an Everglades Tomato? These marble-sized tomatoes can handle many of Florida’s elements and have a great flavor that’s both sweet and tangy. Many gardeners who allow this tomato to reside in their garden typically use the plant ... READ MORE

Category: Fruits & Vegetables, Health & Nutrition, Horticulture
Tags: Central Florida Gardening, Farm To Table, Ocextension, Plot To Plate, Urban Food Systems, Vegetable Gardening

Cottage Food & Essential Farm Equipment at the 2024 Fall Southwest Florida Small Farmer Network Meeting

August 14, 2024

Plenty of farmers are selling their products on their farms to increase their customers. Many of these products require a food permit that the farmer must obtain before selling. On the other hand, there are several products that farmers can ... READ MORE

Category: Agribusiness, Agriculture, Crops, Farm Management, Fruits & Vegetables, Horticulture, UF/IFAS, UF/IFAS Extension, UF/IFAS Teaching
Tags: COTTAGE FOOD LAW, Florida Farms, Small Farms, Southwest District, Southwest Florida Small Farms Network, UF-IFAS, Vegetable Farm, Vegetables

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