What’s New

Florida Land Steward Update, August 16, 2024 (8/16/2024) by Chris Demers - SUMMER-FALL ISSUE OF QUARTERLY FLORIDA LAND STEWARD NEWSLETTER NOW AVAILABLE In this issue: A New Tool Helps to Prioritize Invasive Species Management Efforts, Conservation Easements Save Ag Lands and Wildlife, Meet the Panhandle Extension Forester - Ian Stone, R.F., Remembering Bob Simons, Sign up for Florida Land Steward Email Updates, Timber Price Update, Certified Landowners.… more
Florida Land Steward Update, August 9, 2024 (8/9/2024) by Chris Demers - USDA ASSISTS FARMERS, RANCHERS, AND FOREST LANDOWNERS AFFECTED BY HURRICANE DEBBY U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) will aid recovery efforts for farmers, ranchers, forest landowners, and communities affected by Hurricane Debby, which, as of this update, continues its track north up the East Coast. USDA staff in offices across the country are ready to respond… more
Do you know the difference between a watch, a warning and an advisory? Do you Know the Difference Between a Watch, a Warning and an Advisory? (8/8/2024) by Nelly Nelson - Do you know the difference between a watch, a warning and an advisory? Whether you are a new resident to an area or an established one, it’s important to know the terminology that the government agencies will use to communicate information to residents before, during and after a storm or hurricane has passed through the… more
La supervivencia de las palmeras tras los huracanes: recomendaciones de los expertos de UF/IFAS (8/8/2024) by Luz Bahder - Creado por Lourdes Mederos, gerente de relaciones públicas en español para el Departamento de Comunicaciones de UF/IFAS. Después de un huracán, algunos propietarios pueden preocuparse por la supervivencia de sus queridas palmeras. Con más de 2600 especies en el mundo, la icónica palmera que adorna los paisajes de Florida es más resistente de lo que… more
Palm tree survival after hurricanes: UF/IFAS tips and insights for property owners (8/8/2024) by Lourdes Mederos - In the aftermath of a hurricane, some palm tree owners may worry about the survival of their beloved palms. With more than 2,600 species, the iconic palm seen across Florida landscapes is heartier than one may think, even when those lush green palm fronds are suddenly wilted and thinned out due to extreme winds and… more
After the Storm Passes — What to Do (8/6/2024) by Andra Johnson - I hope that you and your loved ones are safe from harm. Early Monday morning, Hurricane Debby made landfall along Florida's Big Bend area as a Category 1 hurricane. As of Tuesday, many areas of North Florida are without power, and many areas are experiencing flooding from heavy rains. UF/IFAS Extension faculty and staff are… more
Agricultural flooding Media Alert: Florida agricultural sector asked to share adverse impacts of Hurricane Debby (8/6/2024) by Megan Winslow - What: University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) Economic Impact Analysis Program (EIAP) survey for losses and damages associated with Hurricane Debby. Where: Agricultural producers can complete the survey at go.ufl.edu/debbyagimpacts or report information to their local UF/IFAS Extension county office by calling or visiting in person. About: UF/IFAS requests agricultural producers affected… more
Be Hurricane Ready: Tips for 4-H members and their Pets (7/26/2024) by ambernorris - It is that time a year that we are mindful of being prepared for natural disasters such as hurricanes.  Here are some essential steps4-Hers can take to prepare for natural disasters, particularly when they have animal projects. Take a look at your outside projects and see what should be brought in or secured. You can… more
Basics of Landscaping in Florida–Bilingual Booklet in the UF/IFAS Bookstore (7/25/2024) by Hannah Eason (formerly Wooten) - Better landscaping practices are good for Florida! Even though Florida has a lot of water resources, there are also a lot of people and industries sucking from the tap...and more keep coming. Long story short, Floridians need to conserve clean water so we always have enough affordable water now and into the future. How we… more
Hurricane How Hurricanes Affect Florida Agriculture: Assessing Short-Term Economic Impacts (7/22/2024) by Alena Poulin - Hurricanes and other natural disasters pose a major threat to people and industries, bringing with them severe winds and intense flooding.  When these events occur, conducting damage and loss assessments is a critical part of the recovery process. The first episode of F.R.E. Lunch: The Food and Resource Economics Podcast explores how the UF/IFAS Economic… more
Florida Land Steward Update, July 19, 2024 (7/19/2024) by Chris Demers - OWN FOREST LAND IN FLORIDA? CHECK OUT THE NEW "MY FLORIDA FOREST LAND" VIDEO SERIES! A collaboration between the Florida Forest Service, Florida Forestry Association, the University of Florida, and filmmakers from Untamed Science; the goal of this series to help keep Florida’s forests working for you. This series is just starting. These short and… more
Hurricane Preparedness: Key Foods to Keep in Stock (7/12/2024) by Hillary Ayers - With hurricane season well under way, it’s important to remember to plan ahead. Before a storm hits, you want to be sure that you have non-perishable food items on hand. These items do not need to be refrigerated and are safe to eat if you lose power. You want to store non-perishable items higher up… more
Florida Land Steward Update, July 10, 2024 (7/10/2024) by Chris Demers - FOREST CERTIFICATION AND FLORIDA TREE FARM PROGRAM WEBINAR RECORDING NOW AVAILABLE Thanks to those joining us on June 27 for our webinar on forest certification programs. The recording is now available for viewing. This webinar provides an introduction to forest certification programs: what they are, why they exist, and how they came about. Then we… more
Florida Land Steward Update, June 28, 2024 (6/28/2024) by Chris Demers - SOUTHERN PINE BEETLE ASSISTANCE AND PREVENTION PROGRAM NOW OPEN FOR APPLICATIONS Apply by July 26, 2024 The Southern Pine Beetle (SPB) Assistance and Prevention Program is offered to eligible non-industrial private forest landowners by the Florida Forest Service (FFS) through temporary grants from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Forest Service. The program offers partial… more
Cantore’s live reports from a UF/IFAS building delivered powerful lesson on storm surge danger (6/26/2024) by Suzette Cook - It was University of Florida IFAS Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Professor Mike Allen who handed a key to veteran Weather Channel Meteorologist Jim Cantore with the following instructions: Once Cantore and his camera crew entered the building, they could not leave until given the all clear. That key was to the UF/IFAS North Coast Biological… more
Estudio evidencia un creciente interés por las costas vivas (6/26/2024) by Luz Bahder - Creado por Megan Winslow, especialista en relaciones públicas de UF/IFAS.  Promover la idea de instalar una costa viva o costa natural se consideraba una batalla perdida. Savanna Barry recuerda a un colega que intentó presentar el concepto durante una reunión de contratistas marítimos hace aproximadamente una década. “Le pidieron que se fuera”, dijo Barry, agente… more
Banner pictures of private wells, septic systems, and springs Join Our Private Well and Septic System Webinar Series (6/25/2024) by Yilin -   Are you curious about private wells and septic systems? Whether you’re a homeowner, a real estate professional, or simply interested in understanding these essential components, our three-part webinar series has you covered!   Webinar Schedule Basics of Private Wells Date and Time: August 22, 2 PM - 3 PM ET Cost: Free Topics Covered:… more
Florida Land Steward Update, June 21, 2024 (6/21/2024) by Chris Demers - REPORT ALL YOUR WILD TURKEY SIGHTINGS THIS SUMMER (JUNE 1 – AUGUST 31) In addition to slowing down a bit and spending some time by the water, summertime means keeping an eye out for turkeys! The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission’s (FWC's) 2024 wild turkey summer survey has launched. Landowners, citizen scientists, conservationists, hunters,… more
Red Tide, Fisheries Modeling and Citizen Science: Casting a Line to Anglers and Gulf of Mexico Stakeholders for Better Data! (6/19/2024) by Michael Sipos - In fisheries management, setting the acceptable biological catch (ABC) is vital to ensure sustainable harvest without overexploiting fish stocks. The ABC determines how much fish can be harvested each year, and is estimated using a stock assessment model that brings together multiple data sources to estimate fish abundance and productivity.  However, in the Gulf of… more
Florida Land Steward Update, June 14, 2024 (6/14/2024) by Chris Demers - GET YOUR FARM RECORDS COMPLETED NOW TO BE ELIGIBLE TO APPLY FOR USDA HURRICANE RECOVERY ASSISTANCE Storm season is here. As a part of your hurricane preparation activities, you should have your farm records completed with USDA Farm Service Agency. Within weeks of a major storm or other disaster, recovery assistance for agricultural producers and… more
Be Prepared for an “Above Normal” Hurricane Season (6/13/2024) by Andra Johnson - The 2024 Atlantic Hurricane Season is here. Are you ready? The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is predicting an "above normal" Atlantic Hurricane Season this year.  That means we can expect 17-25 named storms between June 1 and November 30, with 4-7 likely to be major hurricanes. Forecasters have 70% confidence in these ranges. It… more
Chainsaws post hurricane (6/5/2024) by Christine Jackson - Hurricane season is officially upon us here in Florida. June 1st – October. There is a lot to do to prepare for the storms that may or may not come. In this post, we are going to talk about using chainsaws post-storm. Post hurricane there may be trees down that need to be cut and… more
multiple palm trees blowing in hurricane winds Is Your Home Ready for the 2024 Hurricane Season? (6/5/2024) by Jenny Rodriguez - "A Hurricane? I hope it doesn't come our way, I'm not ready!" How many times has the storm caught you completely unprepared? Each year, we face the inevitable hurricane season commencing on June 1st and extending for 6 months, with storms consistently peaking in August and September. As with every hurricane season, early preparation is… more
Headshots of Helena Bottemiller, Dr. Christa COurt, and Dr. Sabine Grunwald against a backdrop photo of a hurricane Future of Food Forum 2024 – Panel Recap: Threats to Food Systems Resilience (6/4/2024) by Alejandro Sanchez - Welcome to our new blog post series about the topics covered at the 2024 Future of Food Forum: Resilient Food Systems: Beyond the Rhetoric, the flagship event here, at the Global Food Systems Institute. It was a day to remember, loaded with insights and opinions from experts in the field of food systems, and we… more
Hurricane Prep for the Landscape: A new episode of Your Central Florida Yard podcast (5/22/2024) by Anne Yasalonis - Hurricane Prep for Landscapes In this episode of Your Central Florid Yard, we talk hurricane prep for landscapes. Living in Florida includes being prepared for hurricanes. Many people know how to get their homes ready but what should do for your landscape? Join us to learn how to prepare your garden and landscape for hurricane… more
Hurricans Irma, Jose and Katia line up across the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic Ocean in 2017. [CREDIT: NOAA] Save the Dates: Storm Prep “Tax-Free Holiday” (5/18/2024) by Maria Portelos-Rometo - As we approach hurricane season, which runs June 1 through Nov. 30, now is the time to create your disaster plan and assemble your supply kit.  As you do, keep in mind that Florida legislators have created two 14-day sales tax holidays for the purchase of disaster supplies. The first runs June 1-14 and the… more
Florida Land Steward Update, May 17, 2024 (5/17/2024) by Chris Demers - ENDANGERED SPECIES DAY The third Friday in May is Endangered Species Day, a tradition started by the Endangered Species Coalition in 2006. In Florida we recognize and celebrate the remaining critical habitats on public and private lands that support our imperiled species. While the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) has primary responsibility for Florida… more
Concrete swimming pool Pools and Hurricanes (5/14/2024) by Yvonne Florian - How do I prepare my Florida pool for an oncoming hurricane? In the frenzy of preparing for an impending hurricane, many of those with residential pools overlook steps needed to prepare the pool for a major storm. Following are some tips for what to do and NOT to do when it comes to pool preparation… more
Florida Land Steward Update, May 10, 2024 (5/10/2024) by Chris Demers - THANKS TO ALL JOINING US FOR RONNIE STEPHENSON TOUR IN JACKSON COUNTY Thanks to all who participated in the tour at the property of Ronnie Stephenson, our 2024 Florida Land Steward of the Year, last week in Jackson County. We enjoyed a great day learning about Ronnie's tireless contributions to wildlife and habitat management that… more
Mother hen covering her chicks with her wings to protect them Chicken Keeping and Hurricanes (5/10/2024) by Yvonne Florian - We do our best to protect our livestock from any number of threats.  And with a limited warning-time we make decisions for our animals when facing an emergency situation such as an approaching hurricane. Learning from Survival Having been through 4 hurricanes in my chicken-keeping experience, I have learned to use a storm's projected severity… more
Hurricans Irma, Jose and Katia line up across the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic Ocean in 2017. [CREDIT: NOAA] Get Storm-Ready, during May 5-11 National Hurricane Preparedness Week (5/8/2024) by Maria Portelos-Rometo - National Hurricane Preparedness Week runs May 5-11. So, let's take this time to begin preparing for our annual hurricane season, which runs June 1 through Nov. 30. For many of us, preparing for a weather event can be time consuming and overwhelming. We can help. A great way to get ready is to break down… more
Tree stewards Duval County volunteers keep Jacksonville trees trim (4/24/2024) by Megan Winslow - Jacksonville, the largest city by landmass in the contiguous United States, is also home to the country’s largest urban park system – more than 80,000 acres of land featuring more than 400 parks. For a decade, a cadre of gloved individuals armed with pruning shears has helped provide the city’s young trees with a healthy… more
Half sunken boat abandoned at the dock STEM TO STERN (3/27/2024) by Chantille Weber - Organized and sponsored by Florida Sea Grant, the "Stem to Stern" workshop in November 2023 at the Emerald Coast Convention Center marked a significant gathering in marine conservation and management. This event drew together legal experts, representatives from the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC), local marine resource coordinators, law enforcement, and industry stakeholders… more
Trees, Streets, and Sidewalks (3/26/2024) by Hannah Eason (formerly Wooten) - From a society standpoint, we are encouraged to think about the greenhouse gas removing qualities of trees, specifically, their ability to take up a lot of carbon dioxide. Running quick numbers, 1 cubic foot of concrete results in about 150 pounds of CO2 emissions, while one mature tree can sequester up to ~50 pounds of… more
the ground level, surface opening to a septic system. New UF/IFAS publication: Managing impacts of flooding, groundwater rise on septic systems (1/16/2024) by Mike Loizzo - The Florida Department of Environmental Protection estimates the state has more than 2 million septic systems. If an owner does not properly maintain one, it poses an environmental threat to the state’s drinking water. Besides regular maintenance, managing the impacts of flooding and groundwater rise are two more issues owners must address. A new UF/IFAS… more
Wildfires increasing across eastern U.S., new study reveals (12/18/2023) by Kirsten Romaguera Rabin - Highlights Researchers examined 36 years of wildfire data in the eastern United States, focusing on fires that burned large areas. The overall trend for the region showed an increase in fire size, frequency, and shifts in seasonality. The trend highlights a need for proactive management and individual preparedness for those living in this populous part… more
Hurricane Idalia damage to infrastructure in Cedar Key, Florida. Revival and Resilience (12/12/2023) by VICTOR BLANCO - : Coastal Recovery Post-Hurricane Idalia   The aftermath of Hurricane Idalia left an indelible mark on coastal communities, including the path it forged along the Gulf of Mexico. This formidable force of nature brought devastation and commotion. However, amidst the chaos emerged stories of resilience, unity, and the remarkable journey of coastal recovery.   Hurricane… more
Treasure Quest booklet - What Treasures Will You Find? Treasure Quest (11/29/2023) by Jackie Lebouitz - Hi there! My name is Ozzy the Otter, and I have some exciting news for you. Treasure Quest locations have popped up all across Sarasota County! Come play with me and learn all about what nature has to offer at your favorite park or library. Studies show that spending time outdoors has many physical, mental,… more
Florida Land Steward Update, October 13, 2023 (10/13/2023) by Chris Demers - FALL GREETINGS! As Florida Forests Week approaches (Oct. 22-28) there is a lot going on in the Florida forestry world right now. The elephant in the room of course is the recent closing of the Georgia Pacific cellulose mill in Taylor County. As of this post we don’t know much if anything about what’s next… more
Pantry organization of non-perishable food items. UF/IFAS Photo by Tyler Jones. File: 015886 Hurricane Food Safety (9/29/2023) by Shari Bresin - It has now been a year since Hurricane Ian made landfall in Florida.  That means that as we enter October, we shouldn’t let our guard down, as we are still in the peak of hurricane season.  When a hurricane strikes, there are many precautions that you can take to ensure your safety, and that includes… more
Florida Land Steward Update, September 29, 2023 (9/29/2023) by Chris Demers - PARTICIPATE IN THE LONGLEAF PINE RESTORATION SURVEY The Forest Landowners Association is conducting a survey of private landowners in the Southeast to gain insights into the complexities and challenges of longleaf pine restoration on private lands and identify potential opportunities to mitigate these challenges. This survey is for anyone who owns or manages forestland in… more
UF/IFAS Facilities Rebuild from Hurricane Idalia with Help from Volunteers, Emergency Response Crews (9/25/2023) by Meredith Bauer - When Hurricane Idalia barreled through the Big Bend region of Florida, Mike Allen was stuck in Gainesville, watching a beloved facility get slammed by storm surge while The Weather Channel’s Jim Cantore reported from the facility’s second-story patio. Once the rain stopped and the wind subsided after the storm rushed through on Aug. 30, University… more
Huracán Idalia: los economistas de UF estiman pérdidas en la producción agrícola de Florida que superan los $78 millones (9/22/2023) by Luz Bahder - Creado por Kirsten Romaguera, especialista en relaciones públicas de UF/IFAS. El Programa de Análisis del Impacto Económico de UF/IFAS evalúa los impactos en la agricultura de Florida luego de eventos climáticos extremos. El informe preliminar sobre el huracán Idalia se publicó recientemente en inglés. La traducción al español está en proceso. El informe estima un rango de… more
Hurricane Idalia: Florida agricultural production losses top $78M, UF economists estimate (9/21/2023) by Kirsten Romaguera Rabin - The UF/IFAS Economic Impact Analysis Program assesses impacts to Florida agriculture following extreme weather events. The preliminary report for Hurricane Idalia is newly released. The report estimates a credible range of losses from $78.8 million to $370.9 million. This range will be narrowed in a final report in the coming months. The estimate does not… more
Florida Land Steward Update, September 18, 2023 (9/18/2023) by Chris Demers - FWC ISSUES NEW EXECUTIVE ORDER OUTLINING NEW HUNTING REGULATIONS FOR CHRONIC WASTING DISEASE MANAGEMENT ZONE Following confirmation of a positive test sample for chronic wasting disease (CWD) in Holmes County in June 2023, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) and Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS) have implemented management actions to… more
UF/IFAS is everywhere a hurricane goes (9/13/2023) by Scott Angle - We’ve had a remarkable amount of practice helping people and places in a hurricane’s path, this time in the Big Bend and Live Oak. Jeanna Mastrodicasa again coordinated relief efforts before, during and after Idalia, this time at the new Emergency Operations Center on campus. Jerry Fankhauser in Gainesville and Jim Boyer in Citra again… more
Florida Land Steward Update, September 12, 2023 (9/11/2023) by Chris Demers - HURRICANE IDALIA EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE: USDA NRCS ENCOURAGES LANDOWNERS TO APPLY FOR ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY INCENTIVES PROGRAM U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) can provide assistance, through Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) conservation practices, to help agricultural landowners and producers address disaster related resource concerns on their land.  EQIP can repair and prevent… more
Dealing with a Power Outage (9/5/2023) by Brenda Marty-Jimenez - Power outages can occur for several reasons, including severe weather (such as storms, tropical depressions, or hurricanes), equipment failure, overload of the power grid, accidents, or routine maintenance. When a power outage occurs, the affected area experiences a loss of electrical power, which can have several consequences. It can be scary and cause uncertainty. People… more
After the Storm Passes: What to Do (9/1/2023) by Andra Johnson - I hope that you and your loved ones are safe from harm. Early Wednesday morning, Hurricane Idalia made landfall along Florida's West Central Coast as a Category 3 storm. As of Friday, many areas of North Florida are without power, and there has been widespread damage from high winds and storm surge. UF/IFAS Extension faculty… more
Florida Land Steward Update, September 1, 2023 (9/1/2023) by Chris Demers - HURRICANE RECOVERY RESOURCES Hurricane Idalia brought significant impacts to many areas along the Gulf coast of Florida, northern Florida, and into Georgia, the Carolinas, and beyond. Following are some program updates and resources that may be of assistance to those in the early stages of recovery from the storm. See the latest Hurricane Preparation and… more

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