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Tag: new year

New Year, Resolutions, and New Habits: Setting Realistic Goals in 2024

January 11, 2024

Happy 2024! As we usher in a new year, many of us are pulling out our resolution lists and thinking about eating in a healthier way. However, with so much information out there about nutrition, it can be overwhelming. But fear not, for we ... READ MORE

Category: , Health & Nutrition, Professional Development, UF/IFAS, UF/IFAS Extension, Work & Life
Tags: Food, Goals, Health, New Year, Resolutions

Staying Well through the Holidays: New Year Goals

December 11, 2023

New Year New You! This is a common theme for people when starting a new year. We all start out strong and then seem to fizzle out. Let's make this year different! Below are the tips and tools you need to make this year's new years resolutions ... READ MORE

Category: Health & Nutrition, Relationships & Family, , Work & Life
Tags: Change, Christimas, Goal, Hanukkah, Health, Holiday, Kwanzaa, New Year, New You, Resolution, Wellness

Staying Well through the Holidays: Plan Your Holiday Eating

November 20, 2023

Thanksgiving week as arrived and you are working hard to Stay Well this holiday season!! But now the panic is setting in because either you are going to someone else's house or you aren't preparing all the dishes. You will be surrounded by ... READ MORE

Category: Health & Nutrition, Relationships & Family, , Work & Life
Tags: Christmas, Cooking, Drinks, Food, Gathering, Hanukkah, Health, Healthy Eating, Holiday, Kwanzaa, New Year, Thanksgiving

Staying Well through the Holidays

October 30, 2023

It's officially Holiday Season!! The holidays are a time for food, family, friends, and celebrations. For some the holidays are their favorite time of year, but for others not so much. No matter where you fall on this scale let's make this ... READ MORE

Category: Food Safety, Health & Nutrition, Relationships & Family, , Work & Life
Tags: Candy, Christmas, Halloween, Hanukkah, Health, Holiday, Holidays, Kwanzaa, New Year, Thanksgiving, Well

New Year. New Thinking.

January 21, 2022

This is the time many people are thinking about new ideas, things they want to change and resolutions to be made to make for a better year.  Thoughts, actions, and knowledge matter when making healthy changes. Here are some ideas to consider ... READ MORE

Category: Health & Nutrition, SFYL Hot Topic, UF/IFAS Extension
Tags: Caring, Compassion, Diet, Exercise, Food Safety, Handwashing, Hydration, Kindness, Mindfulness, New Thinking, New Year, Resolutions, Self Care, Sleep, Thoughts Matter

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