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Tag: sea grant

Este año usted tiene la oportunidad de convertirse en un pescador responsable a través del Programa Florida Friendly Angler en español

April 24, 2024

Creado por Michael Sipos, agente de Extensión de UF/IFAS Sea Grant en el condado de Collier.  Durante este 2024, el hacerse un usuario responsable de los recursos marinos y las zonas pesqueras de Florida debería ser una de las principales ... READ MORE

Category: Coasts & Marine, Conservation, Natural Resources, Recreation, UF/IFAS, Water, Wildlife
Tags: Agente De Extension, Barotrauma, Clases, Conservacion, Coral, Entrenamiento En Linea, Entrenamientos, Español, Etica Ambiental, Ffa, Florida Friendly Angler, Florida Friendly Angler En Español, Florida Friendly Fishing Guide, Florida Sea Grant, Impactos, Mejores Practicas De Pesca, Michael Sipos, Modulos, Pastos Marinos, Peces, Pesca, Pesca Responsable, Pescador, Pesquerias, Plataforma Educativa, Poblaciones De Peces, Recursos Marinos, Return 'Em Right, Sea Grant, Spanish

Aclaremos los mitos sobre la masa de sargazo del 2023

May 12, 2023

Creado por Ana Zangroniz, agente de Florida Sea Grant y parte del programa de Extensión de UF/IFAS. En el transcurso de los últimos meses, la "masa" de sargazo ha dominado los titulares de las noticias locales y nacionales, e incluso ha ... READ MORE

Category: Coasts & Marine, Natural Resources, Recreation, SFYL Hot Topic, UF/IFAS, UF/IFAS Extension, Water
Tags: Acumulacion, Afectacion, Alga, Alga Marron, Ana Zangroniz, Arrecifes De Coral, Biomasa, Ciencia Ciudadana, Corrientes Oceanicas, Español, Florida Sea Grant, Giros Oceanicos, Impactos, Mar De Los Sargazos, Masa De Sargazo, NOAA, Playas, Proliferacion De Algas, Sargazo, Sea Grant, Spanish, Sulfuro De Hidrogeno, Tortugas, Turismo, UF-IFAS, Vientos

Become A Better Angler In The New Year With The Florida Friendly Angler Program!

January 6, 2023

It's 2023 and along with those New Year's resolutions, put becoming a better steward of Florida's marine environments and fisheries near top of your list!  Florida is the fishing capital of the world with over 4 million unique fishing license ... READ MORE

Category: Coasts & Marine, Conservation, Curriculum, Natural Resources, Recreation, UF/IFAS Extension, Water, Wildlife, Work & Life
Tags: Angler, Catch And Release, Coasts & Marine, Conservation, Education, Events, Fisheries, Fishing, Flats Boat, Florida Friendly Angler, Florida Sea Grant, FWC, Marine Science, Natural Resources, Offshore, Recreation, Regulations, Science, Sea Grant, Seafood, Smoked Fish, Spearfishing, Sustainable, Tag, Tagging, UF/IFAS Extension, Water

A New Greater Amberjack Tagging Study?! Find Out How To Help Science and Get Paid!

August 12, 2022

Reef donkeys, amber tuna and AJs are all titles you may have heard for the greater amberjack (GAJ) but if you can’t remember this species’ name, you sure will remember the first time you caught one as these fish provide legendary fights ... READ MORE

Category: Coasts & Marine, Conservation, Events, Natural Resources, Recreation, UF/IFAS Extension, Water, Wildlife
Tags: $250, AJ, Almaco Jack, Amberjack, Banded Rudderfish, Deep Sea, Fillet, Fish Dip, Fisheries, Fishing, Florida Friendly Angler, Florida Sea Grant, GAJ, Greater Amberjack, Marine Science, Offshore, Reef Donkey, Regulations, Reward, Science, Sea Grant, Seafood, Smoked Fish, Spearfishing, Sustainable, Tag, Tagging, Tournament, Vertical Jig

Panko Encrusted Mangrove Snapper with Apricot Pineapple Sauce! Florida Seafood at Your Fingertips LIVE!

September 24, 2020

Seafood at your fingertips is back and with fried fish?! Frying may not be the healthiest method of cooking but having a fish fry is my favorite way of preparing what I catch! I often choose to fried not only because I love the crispy delicious ... READ MORE

Category: Agriculture, Coasts & Marine, Conservation, Events, Food Safety, Fruits & Vegetables, Health & Nutrition, Natural Resources, Recreation, UF/IFAS, UF/IFAS Extension, Water, Wildlife, Work & Life
Tags: Apricot, Collier, Collier County, Cooking, Cooking Demo, Eat Seafood America, Fillet, Fishing, FL Sea Grant, Florida, Florida Sea Grant, Fried Fish, Fried Snapper, FWC, Gray Snapper, How To, Mangrove Snapper, Panko, Pineapple, Recipe, Red Snapper, Regulations, Restaurant, Sea Grant, SFAYFT, Snapper, Southwest Florida, Spearfishing, SW FL

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