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Tag: fresh

UF scientists finding new way to keep broccoli – and perhaps other vegetables — fresher, longer

May 21, 2024

When consumers go to the grocery store, they want their produce, including broccoli, to look, feel and taste fresh. This desire compels University of Florida scientist Tie Liu to study ways to keep vegetables fresh. In newly published research, ... READ MORE

Category: UF/IFAS
Tags: Aging Process, Broccoli, Cold Chain, Controlled Atmosphere, Crops, Fresh, Horticultural Sciences, Jeff Brecht, Molecular Mechanisms, Plant Breeding, Postharvest, Produce, Tie Liu

UF scientists plan to lengthen the shelf life of artichokes

March 5, 2024

We’re in the heart of Florida’s artichoke season, so when you go to the grocery store, you want this consumer favorite to be ripe and fresh. But the vegetable has a short shelf life – about two days at 62 degrees, University of Florida ... READ MORE

Category: Agriculture, UF/IFAS
Tags: Artichokes, Cultivars, Fresh, Gulf Coast Research And Education Center, Horticultural Sciences, RNA, Shelf Life, Shinsuke Agehara, Tie Liu

UF scientists start to discover how to keep fruits and vegetables fresher before they arrive at the grocery store

September 7, 2023

When you’re perusing the produce section, you’re looking for fresh fruits and vegetables. If not eaten within a few days after harvest, many age quickly and get thrown out, leading to food waste, say University of Florida experts. Fruits ... READ MORE

Category: Agriculture
Tags: Aging, Broccoli, Fresh, Grocery Store, Horticultural Sciences, Jeff Brecht, Postharvest, Produce, RNA Sequencing, Tie Liu, Vegetables

AI-enhanced system detects bruised strawberries before they get to the grocery store

September 8, 2022

If you’re perusing the produce section, you generally seek fresh, pleasant-looking fruit – the kind most consumers want to buy. Usually, that means you see few, if any, blemishes. Fruit bruising has many causes: compression, impact or ... READ MORE

Category: Agribusiness
Tags: #aiatuf, Agricultural And Biological Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Bruises, College Of Agricultural And Life Sciences, Daniel Lee, Detection, Fresh, Grocery Store, Harvesting, Maturity, Plant Science Research And Education Unit, Produce, Southwest Florida Research And Education Center, Strawberries, Xue Zhou, Yiannis Ampatzidis

Community Garden Thrives and Changes Lives

February 12, 2018

The Hilltop Landings Community Garden, revitalized a year ago by UF/IFAS Pasco County Extension, continues to grow strong. Resident volunteers maintain the community garden under the guidance of Community Gardens Program Assistant, Eden Santiago-Gomez, ... READ MORE

Category: Crops, Fruits & Vegetables, Health & Nutrition, UF/IFAS Extension, UF/IFAS Research
Tags: Community Gardens, Fresh, Grocery, Horticulture, Produce, Volunteer

What’s in Season Now?

June 3, 2015

Shelley Swenson is your local Family & Consumer Science Extension Agent III, UF/IFAS Wakulla County. Summer is the perfect time for tropical fruit! Luckily, there are several varieties available fresh from Florida--one of them is guava! ... READ MORE

Category: Agriculture
Tags: Community, Cooking, Environment, Extension, Families & Consumers, Family, Family & Consumer Sciences, Family And Consumer Sciences, Family Nutrition In Action, Family Youth & Community Sciences, Florida, Food, Food Safety, Fresh, Fresh From Florida, Fresh Produce, Fruit, FYCS, Guava, Health, Healthy, Mango, My Plate, Nutrition, Papaya, Passion Fruit, Shelley Swenson, Sustainability Community, Sustainable Living, Vegetables, Wakulla, Wakulla County Extension, Wakulla Extension

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