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Tag: freezing

A group of vegetables preserved in jars.

Preserving Summer’s Bounty Safely: Tips on Canning and Freezing Summer Fruits and Vegetables

August 5, 2024

Summer is a beautiful time filled with sunshine, fun, and bountiful harvests of delicious fruits and veggies. But what if you could enjoy the flavors of summer even when the season is over? That's where canning, and freezing come in! But before ... READ MORE

Category: Food Safety, Health & Nutrition, UF/IFAS Extension
Tags: Canning, Food, Food Safety, Freezing, Fruits, Nutrition, Preserving, Vegetables
December 2024 Classes and events banner

November and December 2023 Class List

October 23, 2023

Join us at the UF/IFAS Brevard Extension office for some fun learning experiences! Make sure to follow us on Eventbrite to be notified by email whenever we post a new class: https://brevardextension.eventbrite.com Florida Seafood at Your Fingertips October ... READ MORE

Category: Events
Tags: Bycatch Reduction Devices, Canning, Charcuterie, Charcuterie Board, Cooking, Crab Traps, Dehydrating, Fishing, Florida Friendly, Food, Food Preservation, Food Safety, Freezing, Horses, Livestock, My Brevard Yard, MyBrevardYard, Pasture Management, Poultry, Pressure Canning, Seafood, Site Visits, Soil Improvement, Urban Farming
October 2023 classes and events banner

October 2023 Class List

September 29, 2023

Join us at the UF/IFAS Brevard Extension office for some fun learning experiences! Below is our current class list for the month. Climate Smart Floridians Virtual Course October 5  |  6:30 pm - 8:30 pm This six-week interactive program ... READ MORE

Category: Events
Tags: Air Fryer, Canning, Climate Change, Climate Smart Floridians, Cooking, Dehydrating, Florida Friendly, Florida Friendly Fishing, Freezing, Hunter Safety, Mental Health First Aid, Pesticide License, Poultry, Preserving Food, Pressure Canning, Pressure Cooker, Seafood, Soil Health, Soil Improvement, Urban Farming, Water Bath Canning, Weed Management

Prevent Food Waste

March 28, 2022

Food waste can be a huge issue for many families and consumers. As a country, we throw away an estimated 40 percent of all the food produced, or up to 160 billion pounds each year. The cost of that waste approaches approximately $218 billion. ... READ MORE

Category: UF/IFAS Extension, , Work & Life
Tags: Buying Food In Bulk, Chill Food, Chill Food Properly, Create A Shopping List, Don't Over Buy, Don't Waste Food, Food, Food Is Our Middle Name, Food Protection, Food Safety And Quality, Food Safety Matters, Food Waste, Food Waste Can Be Prevented, Food Waste Prevention, Food Waste Reduction Suggestions, Freezing, Garbage, Ideas To Prevent Food Waste, Leftovers, Prevent Food Waste, Safe To Eat, Save Food Dollars, Save Money, Use A Shopping List, Use Up Leftovers
April 2022 Class list banner

April Class List

March 25, 2022

Join us at the UF/IFAS Extension Brevard County Office for some fun learning experiences this April! Below is our current class list for the month. Canning: The Pickling Process April 2  |  10 am to 12 pm Learn about the canning and pickling ... READ MORE

Category: Events
Tags: 4-H, Auction, Brevard County, Canning, Classes, Cooking, Dehydrator, Environment, Fair, Family Safety, Finances, Food Preservation, Freezing, Poultry, STEM, Sustainability, Youth

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