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Tag: fiber

Dietary Fiber

July 5, 2023

IS DIETARY FIBER BENEFICIAL TO MY BODY? Yes, it is. That is why we often hear-“Include plenty of whole grains in your diet”.  Fiber can help to prevent constipation, lower cholesterol, and more. DO I NEED FIBER IN MY DIET? Healthy ... READ MORE

Category: Health & Nutrition, UF/IFAS, UF/IFAS Extension,
Tags: Bran, Broward County, Dietary Fiber, Digestion, Digestive Health, Eat Fiber Rich Foods, Eating For Good Health, Fiber, Germ And Endosperm, Grain Kernel, How Much Fiber Do I Need, Is Fiber Beneficial?, Popcorn, Prevent Constipation, UF/IFAS Solutions, White Rice Versus Brown Rice, Whole Grains, Why Do I Need Fiber?

Get Health Benefits this Summer! Focus on Fruits and Vegetables 

July 1, 2022

Want to get healthier this summer? As part of an overall healthy diet, eating fruits and vegetables, that are lower in calories, instead of some other higher-calorie food, may be useful in helping to lower calorie intake and lower body weight. ... READ MORE

Category: Health & Nutrition, UF/IFAS, UF/IFAS Extension,
Tags: 5 Food Groups, Broward County, Container Gardening, Diet, Fiber, Fruit, Fruits And Vegetables, Fruits And Vegetables Contain Water, Gardening A Great Outdoor Activity, Gardening Considerations, Health Benefits, Herbs, How Many Fruits And Vegetables Should I Eat Each Day?, MyPlate, Nutritional Intake, Overall Healthy Diet, Potassium, Reap The Benefits Of Healthy Eating, Stay Hydrated, Summer Health Benefits, Think Wise, Vegetable, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Watch Portion Size

UF/IFAS awarded 1st Ph.D. plant breeding program in Florida, one of few in USA

July 13, 2021

Working in labs and fields across Florida, a new generation of students will start earning a Ph.D. in plant breeding from the University of Florida – the first program of its kind in Florida and one of a few in the nation. The UF/IFAS College ... READ MORE

Category: UF/IFAS Research, UF/IFAS Teaching
Tags: Artificial Intelligence, Citrus, College Of Agricultural And Life Sciences, Corn, Crops, Elaine Turner, Environmental Benefits, Fiber, Forage, Gene Editing, Genetics, Global Food Security, Hunger, Lettuce, New Program, Peanuts, Ph.D., Plant Breeding, Strawberries, Tomatoes, Vance Whitaker

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