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Tag: forage

With more than 100 Field Days annually, UF/IFAS empowers growers with valuable insights to enhance their operations

December 10, 2024

Billie Rooney and her husband, Scott, run a 40-acre farm near Live Oak, where they grow blueberries, blackberries and sunflowers and raise livestock. Farming is a second career for the Rooneys. So, they had a lot to learn. She and hundreds ... READ MORE

Category: Agribusiness, UF/IFAS
Tags: Billie Rooney, Bob Hochmuth, Brent Sellers, Brett Bultemeier, Cattle, Citrus, Citrus Handbook, Crops, EPA, Field Days, Florida Farm Bureau, Forage, Kim Jones, Learning, Mike Adams, North Florida Research And Education Center-Suwannee Valley, Pesticide Information Office, Range Cattle Research And Education Center, Regulations, Saqib Mukhtar, Specialty Crops
Barley, which is part of a double-cropping system, growing in a field.

Making organic grain and forage production in the Southeast profitable and sustainable

October 20, 2024

As the market for organically grown products increases, producers are struggling to keep up with demand. While conventional farming relies on inorganic means to boost production and control pests, organic farming has more limited options. UF/IFAS ... READ MORE

Category: Agriculture, Farm Management, UF/IFAS Research
Tags: Double Cropping, Forage, Gabriel Maltais-Landry, Organic Farming, Soil Water And Ecosystem Sciences, USDA-NIFA

July 4th feature: UF researcher is a new U.S. citizen; learn about his work in sustainability

June 30, 2022

This Independence Day might feel a little different for José Dubeux, a professor at the University of Florida’s North Florida Research and Education Center (UF/IFAS NFREC). Monday marks his first Fourth of July holiday as an American citizen. ... READ MORE

Category: Agriculture, Livestock, UF/IFAS Research
Tags: Agronomy, Cattle Industry, Extension, Feature, Forage, Jose Dubeux, Livestock, NFREC, North Florida Research And Education Center, Research
Beef cattle in Florida

Feeding Beef Females: Ensuring that no cow is left behind

September 17, 2021

Winter months can be tricky when it comes to feeding your pregnant or lactating beef cows in Florida. The changing day length, and weather patterns limit grazing options in farms that rely on summer perennial grasses. In Florida summer grasses ... READ MORE

Category: Agriculture, Farm Management, Livestock, UF/IFAS, UF/IFAS Extension
Tags: Bahia, Beef, Body, Bosques, Bovine, Cattle, Condition, Cool, County, Cow, Crop, Crops, Decision, Extension, Farm, Farming, Fertilizer, Forage, Grass, Grasses, Grazing, Hardee, Heifer, Heifers, IFAS, Jonael, Lactating, Nutrients, Nutrition, Pasture, Perennial, PH, Pregnant, Ranch, Season, Soil, Summer, Supplement, Sustainability, Winter

UF/IFAS awarded 1st Ph.D. plant breeding program in Florida, one of few in USA

July 13, 2021

Working in labs and fields across Florida, a new generation of students will start earning a Ph.D. in plant breeding from the University of Florida – the first program of its kind in Florida and one of a few in the nation. The UF/IFAS College ... READ MORE

Category: UF/IFAS Research, UF/IFAS Teaching
Tags: Artificial Intelligence, Citrus, College Of Agricultural And Life Sciences, Corn, Crops, Elaine Turner, Environmental Benefits, Fiber, Forage, Gene Editing, Genetics, Global Food Security, Hunger, Lettuce, New Program, Peanuts, Ph.D., Plant Breeding, Strawberries, Tomatoes, Vance Whitaker

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