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Behind the scenes: How UF/IFAS risk assessments sustain Florida’s $191M aquaculture industry

February 17, 2025

From vibrant tropical fish for aquarium enthusiasts to succulent shellfish served as the center of the plate, Florida’s aquaculture industry serves as an economic powerhouse and a national leader. In 2022, the state’s tropical fish ... READ MORE

Category: Agribusiness, Conservation, Invasive Species, SFYL Hot Topic, UF/IFAS, UF/IFAS Research
Tags: Alligator Farming, Aquatic Environment, Aquatic Invasives, Aquatic Plant Production, BMP, Ecosystem, FDACS, Fish Tanks, Florida Aquaculture, Invasives In Florida, Jeffrey Hill, News, Ornamental Fish Farming, Risk Assessment, School Of Forest Fisheries And Geomatics Sciences, Shellfish Cultivation, Species, Succeulent Shellfish, Sustainability, Tropical Aquaculture Laboratory, Tropical Fish, UF-IFAS, University Of Florida
A freshwater canal within South Florida.

National Science Foundation awards University of Florida $300K to reduce phosphorus in South Florida ecosystems

January 16, 2025

University of Florida scientists have secured a $300,000 grant from the National Science Foundation to address one of South Florida's most pressing environmental challenges: excess phosphorus in freshwater ecosystems such as the Everglades. The ... READ MORE

Category: Agriculture, Conservation, Farm Management, Natural Resources, SFYL Hot Topic, UF/IFAS, UF/IFAS Research, Water
Tags: Arizona State University, Ecosystem, Everglades, Everglades Research And Education Center, Grant, Institute Of Food And Agricultural Sciences, Jehangir Bhadha, National Science Foundation, National Science Foundation-Science And Technology Center, News, North Carolina State University, NSF, Nutrient, Phosphorus, Sandra Guzmán, Science And Technologies Of Phosphorus Sustainability, Soil, Soil Water And Ecosystem Sciences, South Florida, South Florida Water Management District, Sustainability, Treatment Technologies For Phosphorus Mitigation, UF-IFAS, UF/IFAS Extension, UF/IFAS Indian River Research And Education Center, University Of Florida, University Of Florida Institute Of Food And Agricultural Sciences, Water
Ruby-throated hummingbird in mid air seeking nectar

Want to attract hummingbirds? Registration open for free hummingbird feeder education workshop on Jan. 23

January 6, 2025

Hummingbirds are getting a lot of love from Florida consumers these days, according to experts at the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences. Experts at UF/IFAS Extension offices regularly provide guidance, ... READ MORE

Category: Events, Florida-Friendly Landscaping, Natural Resources, SFYL Hot Topic, UF/IFAS, UF/IFAS Extension, UF/IFAS Research, Wildlife
Tags: Birders, Birdwatcher, Birdwatching, Black-chinned Hummingbird, Ecosystem, Enthusiasts, Florida-Friendly Landscaping, Hummingbirds, Ken Gioeli, Landscape, Master Naturalist, Nectar, Ornithology, Ruby-throated Hummingbird, Rufous Hummingbird, Twitchers, UF/IFAS Extension St. Lucie County

UF study reveals environmental impact of artificial sweeteners

July 8, 2024

The human body’s inability to break down sucralose, an artificial sweetener found in many zero-calorie food and drink products, is well established by scientific research. The compound is so stable that it escapes wastewater treatment processing ... READ MORE

Category: Coasts & Marine, Conservation, Food Safety, Health & Nutrition, Natural Resources, UF/IFAS, UF/IFAS Research, Water, Wildlife
Tags: Algae, Amelia Westmoreland, Aquatic Biology, Aquatic Environment, Artificial Sweetener, Bacteria, Biology, Cyanobacteria, Diatom, Ecosystem, Envionrmental, Environment, Environmental Impact, Environmental Impacts, Food Chain, IFAS, Institute Of Food And Agricultural Sciences, Marine, Megan Winslow, Microbial Communities, Microbial Respiration, Nutrient, Photosynthesis, Soil, Soil Water And Ecosystem Sciences, Sucralose, Tracey Schafer, UF, UF-IFAS, University Of Florida, Wastewater, Water And Ecosystem Sciences Department, Whitney Laboratory For Marine Bioscience, Zero-calorie

Study reveals growing interest in natural shorelines

June 26, 2024

Promoting the idea of installing a living shoreline was once a losing battle. Savanna Barry recalls a colleague who attempted to introduce the concept during a gathering of marine contractors about a decade ago. (more…) READ MORE

Category: Coasts & Marine, Conservation, Natural Resources, UF/IFAS, Water, Wildlife
Tags: Bulkhead, Cedar Key, Coast, Coastal, Conservation, Ecosystem, Extension, Florida Master Naturalist Program, Florida Sea Grant, FSG, Hurricane, Institute Of Food And Agricultural Sciences, Living Shoreline, Marine Contractor, Megan Winslow, Mississippi-Alabama Sea Grant Consortium, Native Vegetation, Natural, Oyster, Savanna Barry, Seawall, Shore, Shoreline, Stabilize, Storm Surge, UF, UF-IFAS, University Of Florida, Vegetation, Water, Wave Break

Red Tide, Fisheries Modeling and Citizen Science: Casting a Line to Anglers and Gulf of Mexico Stakeholders for Better Data!

June 19, 2024

In fisheries management, setting the acceptable biological catch (ABC) is vital to ensure sustainable harvest without overexploiting fish stocks. The ABC determines how much fish can be harvested each year, and is estimated using a stock ... READ MORE

Category: 4-H & Youth, Coasts & Marine, Community Volunteers, Conservation, Disaster Preparation, Florida-Friendly Landscaping, Lawn, Natural Resources, Pests & Disease, Pests & Disease, Recreation, UF/IFAS, UF/IFAS Extension, UF/IFAS Research, , Water, Wildlife, Work & Life
Tags: #RedTide, Algae, Amberjack, Angling, Beach, Brevetoxin, Brevis, Charlotte County, Citizen Science, Collier County, Dinoflagellate, Ecosystem, Ffa, Fish, Fish Kill, Fisheries, Fishing, Florida, Florida Friendly, Florida Friendly Angler, Florida Sea Grant, GoM, Grouper, Grunt, Gulf Of Mexico, HAB, Harmful Algae Bloom, Hernando County, Hillsborough County, Hogfish, Inshore, K. Brevis, Karenia, Lee County, Marine Biology, Modeling, Offshore, Pasco County, Phytoplankton, Pinellas County, Plankton, Red Tide, Redfish, Reef Fish, Research, Seafood, Snapper, Snook, Tarpon
various water features in Florida

Water Wednesday Recap: Is Xeriscaping for Florida?

May 23, 2024

Are you curious about xeriscaping and how we can establish it in the Sunshine State? This Water Wednesday, Jamielyn Daugherty, the Florida-Friendly Landscaping and Urban Forestry Agent in Sumter County gave us an overview of xeriscaping and ... READ MORE

Category: Florida-Friendly Landscaping, Lawn, Natural Resources, UF/IFAS Extension, Water
Tags: Ecosystem, Florida Friendly, Landscaping, Water Conservation, Water Wednesday, Xeriscaping

CEU Day–Landscape University in person in Orange County–10/11/22

September 15, 2022

How do landscapes interact with Florida's ecosystems? How do you design landscapes to promote beneficials? Why is shade incredibly important in urban areas and how do we landscape in it? What resources are available for identification of plant ... READ MORE

Category: Agriculture, , Conservation, Events, Florida-Friendly Landscaping, Home Landscapes, Home Management, Horticulture, Invasive Species, Lawn, Pests & Disease, Pests & Disease, Professional Development, Turf, UF/IFAS Extension, Water, Wildlife
Tags: Benficials, Best Management Practices, Best Practices, BMP, BMPs, CEU, Ceu Day, CEUs, Cflandscapes, Climate Landscaping, Commercial Landscape, Commercial Landscaping, Diagnostics, Ecosystem, FFL, Florida Friendly, Green, Green Industry, Heat Mitigation, Hwooten, Landscape, Landscape Professional, Landscape Sustainability, Landscape University, Nursery, Orange, Orange County, Orange County Extension, Orlando, Pesticide, Pesticide Applicator, Pesticide License, Plant, Plants, Professional Development, Shade, Shade Plant, Slimate, Special Interest, Sustainability, Urban Commercial Landscapes, Urban Landscapes, Water, Wildlife

UF research shows a step toward restoring sea urchins: ‘The lawnmowers of reefs’

August 15, 2022

Coral reef ecosystems are severely threatened by pollution, disease, overharvesting and other factors. For thousands of years, long-spined sea urchins helped keep reefs intact. They eat seaweed, which can kill or seriously damage coral. Without ... READ MORE

Category: UF/IFAS
Tags: Coral Reefs, Ecosystem, Fish, Florida Aquarium, Josh Patterson, Long-spined Sea Urchins, School Of Forest Fisheries And Geomatics Sciences, Sea Urchins, Seaweed, Tropical Aquaculture Laboratory

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