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Tag: Beef

Picture Credit: Tyler Lenin, University of Florida

A Cut Above: Supporting Local Beef Producers

September 3, 2024

The direct benefits are many. Rural communities such as Hardee County benefit from beef cattle production in many ways. These operations provide jobs, create safe spaces for wildlife, and serve as areas where opportunities are created ... READ MORE

Category: Agribusiness, Agriculture, Farm Management, Livestock, Natural Resources, UF/IFAS Extension, Water, Wildlife
Tags: Beef, Beef Cattle, Community, Economy, Extension, Florida, Local Food, Sustainable Living

Highly Pathogenic Bird Flu and its potential impact on Florida Livestock

May 3, 2024

The production of food and fiber is an extremely risky endeavor. Farmers and ranchers are at the mercy of the elements. Mark Twain said it best: “Farming is simply gambling with dirt”. Taking calculated risks and preventive measures can ... READ MORE

Category: Agriculture, Livestock, Natural Resources, Pests & Disease, UF/IFAS Extension, Wildlife
Tags: Agriculture, Beef, Cattle, Extension, Farming, Florida, Health, Livestock, Ranch, UF-IFAS, Zoonotic Diseases

ABBA Announces UF Department of Animal Sciences as Performance Breeder of the Year

March 20, 2024

By: Jesse Savell The University of Florida (UF) registered its first Brahman cattle in 1949 under the herd number 1113. These cattle were located at the Range Cattle Experiment Station in Ona, FL. The foundation of the original herd came ... READ MORE

Category: Agribusiness, Agriculture, Livestock
Tags: Animal Sciences, Animal Sciences Extension, Animal Sciences Research, Awards, Awards And Recognition, Beef, Extension

Football season starts soon, so gather your family and friends for a tailgate, complete with Florida-grown foods and UF/IFAS cultivars

August 24, 2023

It’s game day. The excitement around stadiums is palpable. The college football season will kick off shortly, and many fans will enjoy the company of family and friends while tailgating before and after the game. That means food – lots ... READ MORE

Category: UF/IFAS
Tags: Andrea Nikolai, Beef, Citrus, Citrus Research And Education Center, Corn, Florida Grown, Food Safety, Fred Gmitter, Potatoes, Strawberries, Sugar Belle, Tailgating, UF/IFAS Extension Polk County, UF/IFAS Plant Breeding
Pregnancy checking

Sin Reproducción No Hay Producción: Cómo Elevar El Nivel De Productividad De Tu Ganado

August 17, 2023

¿Sabías que Florida es el noveno estado con más vacas con cría en Estados Unidos? La producción de ganado para carne fue instrumental en la construcción de la economía del Estado del Sol. Florida fue el primer lugar en la nación en tener ... READ MORE

Category: Agriculture, Farm Management, Livestock, UF/IFAS Extension
Tags: Beef, Bovinos, Calor, Carne, Cattle, Celo, Concepción, Cria, Eficiencia, Enfermedades, Español, Estres, Extension, Florida, Ganadería, Ganadero, Ganado, Hato, IFAS, Inmunización, Manejo, Preñez, Prevensión, Rancho, Rentabilidad, Reproducción, Reproductiva, Spanish, UF-IFAS, University, Vacas, Vacuno, Veterinario

Raising the Bar: How to Improve Beef Cattle Reproduction for a More Viable Operation

August 16, 2023

Did you know that Florida ranks 9th in the nation when it comes to cow-calf numbers? Beef cattle production was instrumental in building Florida’s economy. Our state was the first to have a beef industry, and today, more than 500 years after ... READ MORE

Category: Agriculture, Livestock, UF/IFAS Extension,
Tags: Agribusiness, Agriculture, Beef, Beef Cattle, Breeding, Bull, Cattke, Cattle, Cow, Economics, Extension, Farming, Florida, Health, IFAS, Life, Meat, Production, Ranch, Ranching, Rural, Science, Soundness, Technology, UF-IFAS

Meat Quality in Beef Cattle: Is the Marbling Score the Best Indicator we can use?

January 18, 2023

By Raluca Mateescu, Professor The strength shown by the high-quality branded beef market in the last few years confirms that a sizable proportion of consumers are willing to pay for assured quality, i.e., tender, flavorful, and juicy beef. ... READ MORE

Category: Agriculture, Livestock
Tags: Animal Genetics, Animal Science, Beef, Beef Cattle, Meat Quality, Meat Science, Tenderness
Northeast Florida Fair

How do I show an animal in the fair?

August 12, 2022

This is probably one of our most asked questions, especially by families first wanting to join 4-H. The fair is an important aspect for many of our 4-H members and we strongly believe in the lessons learned from the barn. However, the process ... READ MORE

Category: 4-H & Youth, Clubs & Volunteers
Tags: 4-H, Beef, County Fair, Cow, Fair, Fair Points, Lamb, Livestock, Nassau County 4-H, Poultry, Rabbits, Sheep, Showing, Showing Animals, Swine

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