Tag: local

Un Plato con Propósito: ¿Por qué Comprar Carne de Res Producida Localmente?
September 4, 2024
Los beneficios directos son muchos. Las comunidades rurales, como Hardee County, son favorecidas por la producción de ganado bovino de muchas maneras. Estas operaciones brindan empleos, crean espacios seguros para la vida silvestre y sirven ... READ MORE
Category: Agribusiness, Agriculture, Farm Management, Livestock, Natural Resources, UF/IFAS, UF/IFAS Extension, WildlifeTags: Agricultor, Beneficios, Carne, Comunidad, Español, Florida, Ganadero, Ganado, Local, Productor, Rancho, Rural, Saludable, Sustentable

Hydroponics with Hannah—Virtual & In Person Hydroponics Workshops Fall 2023
September 27, 2023
I just love growing food hydroponically! Why? I am more likely to harvest it and eat it, too. Over 600,000 YouTubers love how I teach hydroponics in 8 minutes. You can get growing with that free video, but maybe it only 'wet' your appetite? ... READ MORE
Category: 4-H & Youth, Agribusiness, Agriculture, , Clubs & Volunteers, Community Volunteers, Conservation, Crops, Curriculum, Events, Farm Management, Fruits & Vegetables, Health & Nutrition, Home Landscapes, Horticulture, Natural Resources, Pests & Disease, Professional Development, UF/IFAS Extension, Water, Work & LifeTags: Aeroponics, Ag, Agriculture, Agroecology, Alternative Ag, Alternative Agriculture, Cffarms, Cflandscapes, Chef, Class, Commercial Food Production, Community Food Systems, Deep Water Culture, Drip, Dutch Buckets, Ebb And Flow, Entrpreneur, Farm, Farm Business, Farm To Table, Farmer, Farming, Floating Raft, Flood And Drain, Food, Food Production, Food Security, Food System, Food Systems, Green Revolution, Grow, Grow Food In Space, Grow Your Own, Home Food Production, Hospitality, Hwooten, Hydro, Hydroponics, Hydroponics Class, Hydroponics In Jail, Hydroponics In Schools, Kratky, Local, Local Food Garden, Nft, Nutrient Film Technique, Ocextension, Orlando, Self Reliant, Slow Food, Small Farm, Start A Farm, Sustainable, Sustainable Ag, Sustainable Agriculture, Table”, Tower Garden, Tower Gardens, Train The Trainer, Training Programs, Urban, Urban Ag, Urban Agriculture, Urban Farm, Urban Farming, Urban Food Systems, Urban Smart Farm, Zip Grow

Agaves: Cheers to spirits in the garden
May 4, 2023
Bring mezcal to life; grow agaves in the garden! Agave is generally tolerant of Florida's climate with its succulent leaves showcasing different shades of greens and blues. The shape of the plant generates interest, and it makes a great statement ... READ MORE
Category: Agriculture, , Crops, Florida-Friendly Landscaping, Fruits & Vegetables, Home Landscapes, Horticulture, UF/IFAS Extension, Work & LifeTags: Agave, Alcotourism, Celebrate, Celebration, Cflandscapes, Cheers, Cinco De Mayo, Cool Plants, Culture, Enews, Ethnobotany, Farm To Table, FFL, Florida, Florida Native, Garden, Hospitality, Hwooten, Landscape, Local, Local Ag, Local Food, Mexico, Mezcal, Native, Natives, Ornamental, Plants, Tequila, Urban Ag

UPICK Pumpkins for Halloween
October 27, 2022
Are you looking for a scary pumpkin this Halloween…a small pocket pumpkin you can hide in your costume or a giant 45-lb pumpkin to carve and greet trick-or-treaters. Lake May Farms is your local one-stop shop for fresh U-pick pumpkins and ... READ MORE
Category: Agriculture, CropsTags: Halloween, Local, Okra, PIE, Pumpkin, Squash, UPICK

New tool helps strengthen local food systems
August 12, 2022
Effective food systems– which include the people, processes and places involved with moving food from local farm to plates – provide equity, sustainability, profitability and resiliency to communities. UF/IFAS researchers conducted a study ... READ MORE
Category: Agribusiness, Agriculture, Health & Nutrition, UF/IFAS, UF/IFAS Extension, UF/IFAS ResearchTags: Community Food Systems, Farmer's Market, Farmers Markets, Food Policy, Food System, Food Systems, Local, Local Food, Local Markets, Small Urban Farm, Small Urban Farms, Toolkit, Urban Agriculture, Urban Food Production

UPICKIN’ Some Sweet Muscadine Grapes in Putnam County
August 9, 2022
Once a year in AUGUST, fresh muscadine grapes fill the vines in Putnam County and some generous farmers allow folks to come out and admire and taste their year-long efforts. These plump, sweet, colorful, tasty treats require lots of water, ... READ MORE
Category: CropsTags: Grapes, Local, Muscadine, UPICK

Climate Council: Local Climate Stories
May 27, 2022
Whether it is increasing temperatures, stronger and more frequent storms, sea level rise, coastal flooding or growing levels of asthma, all communities across the globe are dealing with the effects of climate change. However, the solutions and ... READ MORE
Category: Natural Resources, Work & LifeTags: Climate, Climate Change, Local, Pgm_Sustain, Science, Sustainability

How your water gets treated
September 1, 2021
Where We Get Our Drinking Water Not many of us think deeply about the origins of our water, but it's important to be aware of our water resources. After all, the average Sarasota County resident uses about 80 gallons of potable, or drinking, ... READ MORE
Category: Conservation, UF/IFAS Extension, WaterTags: Conservation, Drink, Drinking, Local, Pgm_Water, Quality, Tap, Water, Water Conservation

Economic Development – A Cautionary Tale
August 13, 2021
Follow me if you will on a journey. We are going to explore together the effects of economic development on an average individual. This will be a cautionary tale for economic developers, job creators and community leaders. I do not base this ... READ MORE
Category: Money Matters, Work & LifeTags: ALICE, Community, Economic Development, Extension, Local, Poverty, UF/IFAS Extension St. Lucie County, Workforce