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Category: Coasts & Marine

Guana Preserve.

Stranded Whales: What You Should know

March 12, 2024

This past weekend, a sperm whale stranded at a beach in Venice, along the Gulf of Mexico. This event got a lot of attention because stranded large whales are not a common sight for beachgoers in this area. The cachalot eventually died, and ... READ MORE

Category: Coasts & Marine, Natural Resources, Wildlife
Tags: Baleen, Beaching, Florida Sea Grant, Mammal, Marine, Marine Mammal, Pgm_Marine, Rescue, Sperm Whale, Stranding, Whale

Florida Master Naturalist Program News: Florida’s Resident and Migratory Ospreys

March 8, 2024

Although some may suggest Florida doesn’t have seasons, this is far from the truth. Florida’s seasons influence profound changes in the plants and wildlife that occur here. The month of March means spring is officially here, which means ... READ MORE

Category: Coasts & Marine, Conservation, Forests, Invasive Species, Natural Resources, Professional Development, Recreation, UF/IFAS Extension, , Water, Wildlife
Tags: Conservation, Environment, Florida Master Naturalist, Nature, Wildlife
Ocean, horizon, and clouds over the Gulf of Mexico. UF/IFAS Photo by Tyler Jones

New Research Study Halves Aquatic Food Loss and Waste Estimates in U.S. – Implications for Future Global Food Security

February 26, 2024

With seafood playing an important role in the diet of many, reducing food loss in the aquatic food industry is essential for improving global food security. The good news? Aquatic food loss and waste (FLW) in the United States may be as low ... READ MORE

Category: Coasts & Marine, Natural Resources
Tags: Food And Resource Economics, Food Waste

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