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Tag: shopping

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Nutrition labels meant to promote healthy eating could discourage purchases, UF/IFAS study shows

February 4, 2025

Some food labels designed to nudge Americans toward healthier food choices can have the opposite effect, new University of Florida research shows. (more…) READ MORE

Category: Health & Nutrition, UF/IFAS Research
Tags: Consumer, Design, Eating, FDA, Food, Food And Resource Economics Department, Food Industry, Food Labels, Health, Healthy, IFAS, Institute Of Food And Agricultural Sciences, Jianhui Liu, Labels, Landscape Water Survey, Megan Winslow, Nutrition, Package, Policymakers, Research, Shopping, Study, Survey, U.S. Food And Drug Administration, UF, UF-IFAS, University Of Florida, Willingness-to-pay
tomatoes on plant

Ways to Save: Grow Seasonal ‘Smarts’ For Your Vegetable Garden

March 31, 2023

Do you have a spring planting habit? If you are interested in growing food crops in your Florida garden it is very important to keep your seasons in mind when selecting what you will plant. I may break your heart when I tell you that now is ... READ MORE

Category: Fruits & Vegetables, Home Landscapes, Work & Life
Tags: EdibleGardeningSeries, Food, Garden, Pgm_Gardens, Pollinator, Pollinators, Save, Saving, Shop, Shopping, Vegetable Gardening, WaysToSave
A shopper grapples with products and technology in a grocery store [CREDIT: pxhere.com, Viki Mohamad]

Grocery Shopping for Your Health: Shopping “green” is more than just saving money

December 3, 2021

In our last post in the "Grocery Shopping for Your Health" series, we looked at food safety, starting at the store. Today, in our final (planned) post in the series, we discuss shopping "green." For our purposes, shopping "green" carries dual ... READ MORE

Category: Food Safety, Health & Nutrition, Money Matters, Work & Life
Tags: FIN, Food, Groceries, Grocery, GroceryShoppingForYourHealth, Health, Money, Nutrition, Pgm_FCS, Save, Saving, Shop, Shopping
A shopper grapples with products and technology in a grocery store [CREDIT: pxhere.com, Viki Mohamad]

Grocery Shopping for Your Health: Food safety considerations that start at the store

November 30, 2021

In our last post in the "Grocery Shopping for Your Health" series, we focused on fish and seafood. Today, we're talking about food safety, starting at the store. Grocery stores are diligent with following food safety protocol. We expect this ... READ MORE

Category: Food Safety, Health & Nutrition, Money Matters, Work & Life
Tags: FIN, Food, Food Safety, Groceries, Grocery, GroceryShoppingForYourHealth, Health, Money, Nutrition, Pgm_FCS, Safety, Save, Saving, Shop, Shopping
A shopper grapples with products and technology in a grocery store [CREDIT: pxhere.com, Viki Mohamad]

Grocery Shopping for Your Health: The fish counter

November 26, 2021

In our last post in the "Grocery Shopping for Your Health" series, we zeroed in on meats and deli products. This time, we're off to the fish case/counter. Fish is a good source of protein. and most seafood is low in fat. Even fish with a higher ... READ MORE

Category: Food Safety, Health & Nutrition, Money Matters, Work & Life
Tags: FIN, Fish, Food, Groceries, Grocery, GroceryShoppingForYourHealth, Health, Money, Nutrition, Pgm_FCS, Save, Saving, Shop, Shopping
A shopper grapples with products and technology in a grocery store [CREDIT: pxhere.com, Viki Mohamad]

Grocery Shopping for Your health: The meat and deli case

November 23, 2021

In our last post in the "Grocery Shopping for Your Health" series, we checked in on chicken, talked turkey, and pored over poultry. Today, we move on to meat and deli(catessen) area. Let's start with meats, and a term we've likely all heard ... READ MORE

Category: Food Safety, Health & Nutrition, Money Matters, Work & Life
Tags: Deli, Delicatessen, FIN, Food, Groceries, Grocery, GroceryShoppingForYourHealth, Health, Meat, Money, Nutrition, Pgm_FCS, Save, Saving, Shop, Shopping
A shopper grapples with products and technology in a grocery store [CREDIT: pxhere.com, Viki Mohamad]

Grocery Shopping for Your Health: Poultry

November 19, 2021

In our last post in the "Grocery Shopping for Your Health" series, we focused on the home pantry. Today, we trek back to the store, hitting the poultry area to talk turkey (and chicken and more). In the poultry area, you will find more than ... READ MORE

Category: Food Safety, Health & Nutrition, Money Matters, Work & Life
Tags: Chicken, FIN, Food, Groceries, Grocery, GroceryShoppingForYourHealth, Health, Money, Nutrition, Pgm_FCS, Poultry, Save, Saving, Shop, Shopping, Turkey
A shopper grapples with products and technology in a grocery store [CREDIT: pxhere.com, Viki Mohamad]

Grocery Shopping for Your Health: Keeping a basic, healthy pantry

November 16, 2021

In our last post in the "Grocery Shopping for Your Health" series, we strolled through the breads aisle and bakery area. Today, we'll tackle the how to stock a pantry. Many households overlook the value of keeping a healthy, organized pantry. ... READ MORE

Category: Food Safety, Health & Nutrition, Money Matters, Work & Life
Tags: FIFO, FIN, First In First Out, Food, Groceries, Grocery, GroceryShoppingForYourHealth, Health, Money, Nutrition, Pantry, Pgm_FCS, Save, Saving, Shop, Shopping, Storage

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