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Tag: what do food scientists do

A baking sheet covered with parchment paper and three rows of croissants. Each row is labeled with black marker.

Day in the Life: Richie Li, Senior Research and Development Scientist

April 24, 2023

Welcome back to our Food Science and Human Nutrition (FSHN): Day in the Life series! This series is part of our innovative UF/FSHN Careers Advancement Project (CAP), which captures what it's really like to earn degrees in food science, nutritional ... READ MORE

Category: Health & Nutrition, Work & Life
Tags: Alumni, Day In The Life, Food Science, Food Science Alumni, FSHN Alumni, General Mills, Research And Development, Research And Development Scientist, Richie Li, Senior Research And Development Scientist, UF/FSHN CAP, UF/FSHN CAP Day In The Life, UF/FSHN Careers Advancement Project, What A Food Scientist Does, What Do Food Scientists Do, What Does A Food Scientist Do
Rose standing inside a lobby next to a poster describing her research, cell-based seafood | Food Science and Human Nutrition UF/IFAS

Cellular Agriculture: A Step Toward Sustainable Seafood Production

March 27, 2023

Welcome back to our series FSHN Research Journeys, which follows the research of graduate students in the Food Science and Human Nutrition program at The University of Florida. Today's guest is Rose Omidvar, a first-year graduate student ... READ MORE

Category: Agriculture, Health & Nutrition, Work & Life
Tags: Aquaculture, Cell-based Seafood, Cellular Agriculture, Dr. Razieh Farzad, Food Science, Food Science Careers, Food Science Graduate Degree, Food Science Graduate Program, Food Science Graduate Student, Food Sustainability, FSHN Research Journeys, Research Journeys, Research-journeys-food-science, Research-journeys-food-science-phd, Rose Omidvar, Sustainability, Sustainable Seafood, What Can I Do With My Food Science Degree, What Do Food Scientists Do
Sharon and her classmates smiling at a conference

Alternative Protein: Sustainable, Cell-Based Seafood Poised to Transform the Seafood Industry

April 11, 2022

Welcome back to FSHN Research Journeys, which follows the research of graduate students in the Food Science and Human Nutrition program at The University of Florida. Today's guest poster is Sharon Chuah, a first-year student working toward her ... READ MORE

Tags: 3D Printing, Alternative Protein, Cell-based Seafood, Dr. Razieh Farzad, FSHN Research Journeys, Research Journeys, Research-journeys-food-science-phd, Seafood Industry, Sharon Chuah, Sustainable Seafood, What Do Food Scientists Do

Faculty Feature: Dr. Razieh Farzad, Food Science

January 19, 2021

Please welcome to Dr. Razieh Farzad, Assistant Professor of Food Science specializing in aquaculture and seafood science, to our Discover FSHN series! Dr. Farzad joined the Food Science and Human Nutrition department at UF this year and is already ... READ MORE

Tags: Aquaculture, Aquafeed, Discover, Discover Fshn, Dr. Farzad, Dr. Razieh Farzad, Faculty Profile, Faculty-research, Florida Seafood, Florida Seafood Industry, Food Science, Food Science And Human Nutrition, Food Scientists, Food-science-faculty-feature, Fshn Series, Seafood Science, What Do Food Scientists Do
Food Science Dietetics | Food Science and Human Nutrition UF/IFAS

Undergraduate Student Profiles: Jenny Duong, Food Science and Alex Colon, Dietetics

February 25, 2020

Cook around the world with Jenny Duong and Alex Colon, two undergraduate students who run the Field & Fork Global Kitchen Series! These cultural cooking classes highlight the unique flavors of regional cuisines while introducing students ... READ MORE

Tags: Cultural Cooking Classes, Dietetics, Dietetics-undergraduate-feature, Field & Fork Farm, Field & Fork Global Kitchen Series, Food Science, Food-science-undergraduate-feature, Student Profile, Undergraduate Dietetics Major, Undergraduate Student, What Do Dietitians Do, What Do Food Scientists Do, What Do Registered Dietitian Nutritionists Do, What Do Registered Dietitians Do
Food Science Graduate Student | Food Science and Human Nutrition UF/IFAS

Graduate Student Profile: Savanna Curtis, Food Science

October 3, 2019

Is peach beer the next big thing? Find out from Savanna Curtis, second year Master of Science student in the Food Science and Human Nutrition department! Savanna is from Ionia, Michigan and earned her B.S. in chemical engineering from Michigan ... READ MORE

Tags: Dr. Andrew MacIntosh, First Magnitude Brewing Company, Food Science, Food Science And Human Nutrition, Food Science Graduate Degree, Food-science-research, Gose Beer, Master Of Science, Masters-fshn-graduate-feature, Masters-research, Peach Beer, Research, Savanna Curtis, Student Profile, Student Research, What Do Food Scientists Do, What Is Food Science Like

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