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Tag: Pgm_FCS

two women sitting side-by-side on a park bench share a laugh. [credit: unsplash.com, dario valenzuela]

Aging Healthy: Thinking About Cognitive Health

May 9, 2024

Our last Aging Healthy series post looked at our mental health and provided strategies for managing stress and loneliness. In today’s post, we’re going to discuss cognitive health. As you might have guessed, the way we think, learn, ... READ MORE

Category: Health & Nutrition, Work & Life
Tags: Aging, Aging Healthy, AgingHealthy, Cognition, Cognitive, Health, Learn, Memory, Pgm_FCS, Remember, Senior, Think, Thought
Hurricans Irma, Jose and Katia line up across the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic Ocean in 2017. [CREDIT: NOAA]

Get Storm-Ready, during May 5-11 National Hurricane Preparedness Week

May 8, 2024

National Hurricane Preparedness Week runs May 5-11. So, let's take this time to begin preparing for our annual hurricane season, which runs June 1 through Nov. 30. For many of us, preparing for a weather event can be time consuming and overwhelming. ... READ MORE

Category: Disaster Preparation, Work & Life
Tags: #stormsafety, Disaster, Disaster Prep, Hurricane, Pgm_FCS, Prep, Preparedness, Storm
A smiling doctor holds up a checkup instrument while smiling outside a building. [credit: unsplash.com, eben kassaye]

Aging Healthy: Checking Our Physical Health and Healthcare Checkups

May 2, 2024

Our last post in the Aging Healthy series discussed the reasons to stop smoking, as well as limiting alcohol and other substances. In today’s post, we are going to discuss regular healthcare checkups and why they are important to healthy aging. Going ... READ MORE

Category: Health & Nutrition, Work & Life
Tags: Aging, Aging Healthy, AgingHealthy, Doctor, Health, Healthcare, Medical, Pgm_FCS, Senior

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