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Tag: meal planning

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Could you “buy nothing” for a year?

January 23, 2025

It is a new year, and I want to work on what I can do to make it more planet-friendly. To live more climate-aware and reduce my environmental impact, I plan to start by being more mindful of what I consume. Moreover, I have been looking into ... READ MORE

Category: Money Matters, SFYL Hot Topic, UF/IFAS Extension, Work & Life
Tags: Advertising, Borrow, Buy Nothing For A Year, Carbon Footprint, Climate-aware, Consumer Awareness, Consumer Culture, DeClutter, DIY, Environmental Impact, Essential Purchases Only, Financial Benefits, Food Waste, Gift Giving, Leftover Repurposing, Locally Grown, Meal Planning, Mental Clarity, Mindful Consumption, Minimalist, Non-essential Purchases, Planet-friendly, Plant-based Meals, Recycling, Reducing Waste, Refurbished Items, Repair, Reusable Options, Reuse, Seasonal Produce, Second-hand, Share, Social Situations, Sustainability-driven, Sustainable Brands, Swap

A New Way to Buy Groceries?

January 19, 2018

Grocery shopping is probably one of my least favorite weekly chores. I have a family of picky eaters and it’s difficult to find healthy meals that please everyone. I can think of a million ways I’d rather spend my time than navigating ... READ MORE

Category: Work & Life
Tags: Family Nutrition And Health, Grocery Shopping, Grocery Shopping Services, January-March 2018, Meal Planning, Money Management, Nutrition, Panhandle-livingwell

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