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Ashtyn wearing a white dress and standing in front of a large building with white pillars.

Viral Cross-Contamination During Tomato Cleaning

September 23, 2024

We are pleased to welcome Ashytn Vandiver to our FSHN Research Journeys series, which follows graduate students' research in the Food Science and Human Nutrition program at The University of Florida. Ashtyn is a food science master's degree ... READ MORE

Category: Food Safety, Health & Nutrition, Work & Life
Tags: Ashtyn Vandiver, Cross-contamination, Dr. Michelle Danyluk, Food Safety Modernization Act, Foodborne Illness, FSHN Research Journeys, Norovirus, Research, Research Journeys, Research-journeys-food-science, Research-journeys-food-science-ms, Sanitizers, Tomatoes

New statewide Extension agent will teach stakeholders about food safety

June 26, 2024

Growing up in rural Douglas, Georgia (pop. 11,000), Stephanie Brown actively participated in Future Farmers of America. She also liked to watch cooking shows on TV, and she enjoyed science. But she wasn’t sure how to combine food with science. Flash ... READ MORE

Category: Food Safety
Tags: Entrepreneurs, Food Industry, Food Safety Modernization Act, Food Science, Southwest Florida Research And Education Center, State Specialized Agent, Stephanie Brown, UF IFAS Extension

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