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Tag: Ken Gioeli

Ruby-throated hummingbird in mid air seeking nectar

Want to attract hummingbirds? Registration open for free hummingbird feeder education workshop on Jan. 23

January 6, 2025

Hummingbirds are getting a lot of love from Florida consumers these days, according to experts at the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences. Experts at UF/IFAS Extension offices regularly provide guidance, ... READ MORE

Category: Events, Florida-Friendly Landscaping, Natural Resources, SFYL Hot Topic, UF/IFAS, UF/IFAS Extension, UF/IFAS Research, Wildlife
Tags: Birders, Birdwatcher, Birdwatching, Black-chinned Hummingbird, Ecosystem, Enthusiasts, Florida-Friendly Landscaping, Hummingbirds, Ken Gioeli, Landscape, Master Naturalist, Nectar, Ornithology, Ruby-throated Hummingbird, Rufous Hummingbird, Twitchers, UF/IFAS Extension St. Lucie County

En este Halloween, un experto de UF/IFAS le recomienda tenerles cariño a los murciélagos

October 26, 2023

Creado por Lourdes Mederos, gerente de relaciones públicas en español para el Departamento de Comunicaciones de UF/IFAS.  Las personas de diferentes culturas tienen una relación de amor y odio con los murciélagos. Temidos por su fama ... READ MORE

Category: Conservation, Natural Resources, UF/IFAS, UF/IFAS Extension, UF/IFAS Research, Wildlife
Tags: Casas Para Muercielagos, Conservacion, Control De Insectos, Control De Plagas, Español, Halloween, Ken Gioeli, Microchiroptera, Micromurcielagos, Mitos, Murcielagos, Noche De Brujas, Semana De Apreciacion Delos Murcielagos, Spanish, Temporada De Maternidad, UF-IFAS, UF/IFAS Condado De Saint Lucie, Vampiro

This Halloween, have a heart for bats; a UF/IFAS expert explains

October 16, 2023

People of all cultures have a love-hate relationship with bats. Feared for their portrayals after decades of horror movies and centuries of folklore, bats are also the ultimate must-have for Halloween decor. Florida has 13 species of ... READ MORE

Category: UF/IFAS
Tags: #echolocation, Bat Appreciation Week, Bats, Department Of Wildlife Ecology And Conservation, Extension, Florida Fish And Wildlife Conservation Commission, Florida Master Naturalist Program, Halloween, IFAS NEWS, Insectivorous, Insects, Institute Of Food And Agricultural Sciences, Ken Gioeli, News, UF IFAS News, UF/IFAS Extension, UF/IFAS Extension St. Lucie County

Reporte sus mariposas atala aquí

June 15, 2023

Creado por Ken Gioeli, agente especialista en recursos naturales y conservación del medio ambiente del departamento de Extensión de UF/IFAS del condado de St. Lucie.  La mariposa atala de Florida (Eumaeus atala Poey) es una hermosa mariposa ... READ MORE

Category: Conservation, Florida-Friendly Landscaping, Natural Resources, UF/IFAS, UF/IFAS Extension, Wildlife
Tags: Atala, Coontie, Español, Eumaeus Atala, Inaturalist, Ken Gioeli, Mariposa, Poblaciones, Reporte De Avistamientos, Spanish

Cheers to moms, including the wild ones

May 10, 2023

No two moms’ parenting methods are alike, and the same can be said about motherhood in the animal kingdom. To share some fun facts about animal moms frequently spotted in Florida, we went to University of Florida experts. Burrowing owls ... READ MORE

Category: Conservation, SFYL Hot Topic, UF/IFAS, UF/IFAS Extension, UF/IFAS Research, Wildlife
Tags: Alligators, Babies, Bats, Bluebirds, Burrowing Owls, Corey Callaghan, Croc Docs, Eastern Bluebird, Ecology, Florida Bats, Fort Lauderdale Research And Education Center, Frank Mazzotti, Kathryn Sieving, Katie Sieving, Ken Gioeli, Maia McGuire, Manatees, Mother's Day, News, Songbirds, Termites, Thomas Chouvenc, UF-IFAS, UF/IFAS Extension, UF/IFAS Fort Lauderdale Research Education Center, Wildlife Babies, Wildlife Ecology And Conservation, Wildlife Young

Científicos instan a residentes de Florida a reportar lagartijas no nativas para evitar su propagación

February 14, 2023

Para accesar a los subtítulos en español, por favor seleccione configuración-subtítulos- español.  El basilisco marrón, una lagartija no nativa, está expandiendo su rango de distribución en el sur y centro de Florida y los científicos ... READ MORE

Category: Community Volunteers, Conservation, Events, Natural Resources, UF/IFAS, UF/IFAS Extension, UF/IFAS Research
Tags: Basilisco, Conservacion, Corytophanidae, EDDMaps, Español, Especie No Nativa, Ken Gioeli, Lagartija, Lourdes Pérez Cordero, UF-IFAS, Vida Silvestre

Scientists urgently seek Florida residents to report nonnative lizards as early detection prevents invasive spread

February 14, 2023

The brown basilisk, a nonnative lizard, is gaining ground across South Florida, and University of Florida scientists need more data to determine its status and potential impacts. Wildlife specialists with the UF Institute of Food and ... READ MORE

Category: UF/IFAS
Tags: #ivegot1.org, Ask IFAS, Brown Basilisk, Citizen Science, Conservation, EDDMaps, Edis, FLorida Museum Of Natural History Herpetology Collection Database, Iguanas, Invasive Species, Ken Gioeli, Lawrence Reeves, Lizards, Lourdes Pérez Cordero, National Invasive Species Awareness Week, Nonnative, Nonnative Lizard, SFYL Hot Topic, Steven Johnson, UF IFAS Invasive Species Council, UF/IFAS Florida Medical Entomology Laboratory, Wildllife
Brown Basilisk courtesy Steve A. Johnson

Nonnative lizard that appears to walk on water thrives in Florida

September 7, 2022

Florida has three times as many nonnative established lizards as native ones. Among Florida’s approximately 50 species of nonnative lizards is the brown basilisk, a species now thriving in south and central Florida. In a new peer-reviewed ... READ MORE

Category: UF/IFAS
Tags: Amanda Thompson, Brown Basilisk, Edis, Florida Fish And Wildlife Conservation Commission, Florida Medical Entomology Laboratory, Florida Museum Of Natural History, FLorida Museum Of Natural History Herpetology Collection Database, IFAS NEWS, Ken Gioeli, Lawrence Reeves, Nathan Burkett-Cadena, Nonnative Lizard, Steve Johnson, UF IFAS News, UF News, UF/IFAS Extension St. Lucie County
Image Florida - Bonneted Bat

​UF/IFAS expert: Don’t disturb bats during maternity season​

April 21, 2022

April 15 marks the start of bat maternity season, and through August 15 wildlife protection laws are in place.  Though they have benefits to the environment, bats can be misunderstood.   University of Florida experts ... READ MORE

Category: UF/IFAS
Tags: Bat Houses, Bats, Department Of Wildlife Ecology And Conservation, Florida Bats, Florida Fish And Wildlife Conservation Commission, Institute Of Food And Agricultural Sciences, Ken Gioeli, News, UF/IFAS Extension, UF/IFAS Extension St. Lucie County, Wildlife Ecology And Conservation

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