Tag: disease

Tips to Save Avocado from Root Rot
March 4, 2022
Root rot Root rot is a term referring to any disease where the pathogen damage and deteriorate the plant’s root system. Root rot can occur on most woody and herbaceous plants. Root rot is caused by many soil-borne fungi. Most fungi causing ... READ MORE
Category: Agriculture, Home LandscapesTags: Avocado, Avocado Disease, Disease, Phytophtra, Root Rot, Wilting

Strengthen Your Defenses Against COVID-19 With Nutrition
March 2, 2022
As a person that understands the value of nutrition, I generally try to lead by example. For years I have been an advocate for healthy eating and used meaningful nutrition messages to inspire others to do the same. These messages have ... READ MORE
Category: Health & Nutrition, UF/IFAS ExtensionTags: Covid-19, Diet, Disease, FCS, Food, Hamilton County, Health, Lifestyle, Nutrition, Wellness

Chronic Disease and COVID-19
March 2, 2022
For many Americans, healthy lifestyles are important for proper management of chronic conditions such as overweight/obesity, hypertension (high blood pressure), and type 2 diabetes (sugar/diabetes). However, many of us struggle with the time ... READ MORE
Category: Health & Nutrition, UF/IFAS ExtensionTags: Covid-19, Disease, Family And Consumer Sciences, Family Safety, FCS, Hamilton County, Health, Suwannee County Extension, Wellness

Reduce Pest Pressure With Dormant Sprays Now
February 2, 2022
During cold winter weather, one doesn’t often think about spraying fruit trees and ornamental shrubs for spring insects and diseases. It’s just not on the radar, but it turns out that January and February are the best time ... READ MORE
Category: Fruits & Vegetables, Home LandscapesTags: Disease, Dormant Oil, Fruit Trees, Insects, IPM

UF/IFAS Palm Short Course–2/25/22–In Person in Orlando!
January 28, 2022
I could not be more excited to share this highly anticipated, long awaited UF/IFAS Extension Palm Short Course in Orlando and in person! Palms are prized in the landscape and people notice when they look pathetic. There is a science to growing ... READ MORE
Category: Agriculture, Conservation, Crops, Florida-Friendly Landscaping, Forests, Home Landscapes, Home Management, Horticulture, Lawn, Pests & Disease, Pests & Disease, Professional Development, Turf, UF/IFAS Extension, UF/IFAS ResearchTags: CEU, Cflandscapes, Class, Disease, FFL, Florida, Florida Friendly, FLREC, FNGLA, Hwooten, ISA, Landscape, Lawn, Nutrition, Orange County, Ornamental, Palm, Palm Tree, Palms, Plant, Plants, Research, Tree, Tropical, Turf, UF, UF-IFAS, UF/IFAS Extension

No Spray Roses for Central Florida
January 18, 2022
Rain, heat, and humidity generally aren’t the greatest growing conditions for roses. The hybrid teas that look stunning in a garden up north turn into leafless twigs in a Central Florida summer without regular fungicide use. Is it even worth ... READ MORE
Category: Florida-Friendly Landscaping, Home Landscapes, Horticulture, Pests & Disease, UF/IFAS Extension, Work & LifeTags: Chili Thrips, Disease, Florida-Friendly Landscaping, Flower, Fungus, Garden, Irrigation, Landscaping, No Spray, Rose, Roses

CEU Series–Landscape University!
December 10, 2021
How do you encourage more good bugs in your landscapes? What kind of plants can thrive in shady areas? What is the deal with invasive species? Landscapes and waterways are connected? What services are available when the fungus is among us? This ... READ MORE
Category: Agriculture, , Florida-Friendly Landscaping, Home Landscapes, Horticulture, Lawn, Pests & Disease, Pests & Disease, Turf, UF/IFAS ExtensionTags: CEU, CEUs, Cflandscapes, Class, Disease, FFL, Florida, Gardens, Hwooten, Insect, Integrated Pest Management, IPM, Landscape, Lawn, License, Pest, Pesticide License, Plants, Renewal, Samples