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A shopper grapples with products and technology in a grocery store [CREDIT: pxhere.com, Viki Mohamad]

Grocery Shopping for Your Health: Breads and bakery

November 12, 2021

In our last post in the "Grocery Shopping for Your Health" series, we focused on breakfast cereals, and we've covered a good portion of the store. But, we still have a little more to go. And, today, we're wandering into the breads aisle and ... READ MORE

Category: Food Safety, Health & Nutrition, Money Matters, Work & Life
Tags: Baked Goods, Bakery, Bread, FIN, Food, Groceries, Grocery, GroceryShoppingForYourHealth, Health, Money, Nutrition, Pgm_FCS, Save, Saving, Shop, Shopping
A shopper grapples with products and technology in a grocery store [CREDIT: pxhere.com, Viki Mohamad]

Grocery Shopping for Your Health: Breakfast cereals

November 9, 2021

In our last post in the "Grocery Shopping for Your Health" series, we discussed rice, pasta and other grains. Today, we'll walk through the breakfast cereals aisle. Breakfast comes in various forms, from those eaten cold to others served warm, ... READ MORE

Category: Food Safety, Health & Nutrition, Money Matters, Work & Life
Tags: Breakfast, Cereal, FIN, Food, Groceries, Grocery, GroceryShoppingForYourHealth, Health, Money, Nutrition, Pgm_FCS, Save, Saving, Shop, Shopping
A shopper grapples with products and technology in a grocery store [CREDIT: pxhere.com, Viki Mohamad]

Grocery Shopping for Your Health: Rice, pasta, and other grains

November 5, 2021

In our last post in the "Grocery Shopping for Your Health" series, we focused on nuts, peanuts, and peanut butter. Today, we move on to rice, pasta and other grains. Pasta is one of those fast, inexpensive and easy meals to prepare, especially ... READ MORE

Category: Food Safety, Health & Nutrition, Money Matters, Work & Life
Tags: FIN, Food, Grain, Groceries, Grocery, GroceryShoppingForYourHealth, Health, Money, Nutrition, Pasta, Pgm_FCS, Rice, Save, Saving, Shop, Shopping
A shopper grapples with products and technology in a grocery store [CREDIT: pxhere.com, Viki Mohamad]

Grocery Shopping for Your Health: Nuts, peanuts and peanut butter

November 2, 2021

In our last post in the "Grocery Shopping for Your Health" series, we focused on beans and legumes. This time, we'll cover nuts, peanuts and peanut butter. You might have wondered why I didn't include peanuts when we discussed beans and legumes. ... READ MORE

Category: Food Safety, Health & Nutrition, Money Matters, Work & Life
Tags: FIN, Food, Groceries, Grocery, GroceryShoppingForYourHealth, Health, Money, Nut, Nutrition, Peanut, Peanut Butter, Pgm_FCS, Save, Saving, Shop, Shopping
A shopper grapples with products and technology in a grocery store [CREDIT: pxhere.com, Viki Mohamad]

Grocery Shopping for Your Health: Beans and other legumes

October 29, 2021

In our last post in the "Grocery Shopping for Your Health" series, we strolled into the canned foods aisle. We'll stay there for this post, as we focus on beans and other legumes. Legumes, such as dried beans, peas and lentils, are packed ... READ MORE

Category: Food Safety, Health & Nutrition, Money Matters, Work & Life
Tags: Beans, Food, Groceries, Grocery, GroceryShoppingForYourHealth, Health, Legume, Money, Nut, Nutrition, Pgm_FCS, Save, Saving, Shop, Shopping
A shopper grapples with products and technology in a grocery store [CREDIT: pxhere.com, Viki Mohamad]

Grocery Shopping for Your Health: Canned foods and more

October 26, 2021

In the last post in our "Grocery Shopping for Your Health" series, we spent some time talking about eggs. Today, we are leaving this area of the store and heading over to the canned food aisle. This aisle packs an assortment of canned (and ... READ MORE

Category: Food Safety, Health & Nutrition, Money Matters, Work & Life
Tags: Can, Canned Food, Food, Groceries, Grocery, GroceryShoppingForYourHealth, Health, Money, Nutrition, Pgm_FCS, Save, Saving, Shop, Shopping
A shopper grapples with products and technology in a grocery store [CREDIT: pxhere.com, Viki Mohamad]

Grocery Shopping for Your Health: The refrigerated case – eggs

October 22, 2021

In the last post in our "Grocery Shopping for Your Health" series, we dipped into cheese. This blog post keeps us in the refrigerated section a bit longer, to talk about eggs. Eggs are economical, convenient and easy to prepare. You can serve ... READ MORE

Category: Food Safety, Health & Nutrition, Money Matters, Work & Life
Tags: Egg, Eggs, FIN, Food, Groceries, Grocery, GroceryShoppingForYourHealth, Health, Money, Nutrition, Pgm_FCS, Refrigerated, Save, Saving, Shop, Shopping
A shopper grapples with products and technology in a grocery store [CREDIT: pxhere.com, Viki Mohamad]

Grocery Shopping for Your Health: The refrigerated case – cheeses

October 19, 2021

Welcome back to our "Grocery Shopping for Your Health" series. We focused on milk and yogurt in the refrigerated case in our last series post. We're staying in refrigerated case for this post, to discuss cheeses. Note that stores typically ... READ MORE

Category: Food Safety, Health & Nutrition, Money Matters, Work & Life
Tags: Cheese, FIN, Food, Groceries, Grocery, GroceryShoppingForYourHealth, Health, Money, Nutrition, Pgm_FCS, Refrigerate, Refrigerated, Save, Saving, Shop, Shopping
A shopper grapples with products and technology in a grocery store [CREDIT: pxhere.com, Viki Mohamad]

Grocery Shopping for Your Health: The refrigerated case – milk and yogurt

October 15, 2021

In our last "Grocery Shopping for Your Health" post, we tackled the frozen foods aisle. Now, let's move onto the refrigerated cases. Here you will find a large variety of milks, yogurts, cheeses, eggs, dairy creamers, biscuits, juices and more. ... READ MORE

Category: Food Safety, Health & Nutrition, Money Matters, Work & Life
Tags: FIN, Food, Groceries, Grocery, GroceryShoppingForYourHealth, Health, Milk, Money, Nutrition, Pgm_FCS, Refrigerate, Refrigerated, Save, Saving, Shop, Shopping, Yogurt
A shopper grapples with products and technology in a grocery store [CREDIT: pxhere.com, Viki Mohamad]

Grocery Shopping for Your Health: The freezer section

October 12, 2021

In our last two "Grocery Shopping for Your Health" posts, we covered the produce department, looking at fresh fruits and vegetables. In this post, we will head over to the frozen foods aisle, and talk about frozen dinners, frozen fruits and ... READ MORE

Category: Food Safety, Health & Nutrition, Money Matters, Work & Life
Tags: FIN, Food, Freeze, Freezer, Frozen, Groceries, Grocery, GroceryShoppingForYourHealth, Health, Money, Nutrition, Pgm_FCS, Save, Saving, Shop, Shopping

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