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Tag: Stephen Brown

image- photos of trees on a public residential pathway in Florida.

Keys to keeping Southeast, Southwest Florida trees and landscapes thriving is focus of monthly UF/IFAS webinar series

April 3, 2023

Property owners, professional landscapers and arborists struggle to keep Florida's landscapes and tree canopies thriving amid hurricanes, pests, diseases, climate change and other impacts. To help communities and industries plan, manage ... READ MORE

Category: Conservation, Pests & Disease, UF/IFAS, UF/IFAS Extension, UF/IFAS Research
Tags: And Geomatic Sciences, Andrew Koeser, Arboriculture, Brian Bahder, Deah Lieurance, Deborah Hilbert, E UF/IFAS Environmental Horticulture Department, Ed Gilman, Fisheries, Florida Department Of Agriculture And Consumer Services, Florida Urban Forestry Council (FUFC), Hurricane, Hurricane Preparedness, Invasive Species, Jason Smith, John Roberts, Lethal Bronzing, R, Ryan Klein, Stephen Brown, Storm Damage, Storms, Sue Alspach, Termites, Thomas Chouvenc, Tree Pruning, Trees, UF IFAS Extension, UF IFAS Fort Lauderdale Research And Education Center, UF/IFAS Agronomy Department, UF/IFAS Entomology And Nematology Department, UF/IFAS Fort Lauderdale Research Education Center, UF/IFAS School Of Forest

After Ian, Pine Island producers get UF/IFAS Extension help, information

October 26, 2022

Most people probably know about the struggles faced by residents and businesspeople in Lee County and the rest of Fort Myers in the aftermath of Hurricane Ian. But you might not know that farms dot the seaside landscape of Pine Island, off ... READ MORE

Category: UF/IFAS
Tags: Braham Dhillon, Disease, Education, Farms, Florida Cattlemen's Association, Florida Cattlemen's Foundation, Fruit, Hurricane Ian, Lindsey Wiggins, Livestock, Mango, Palms, Pine Island, Recovery, Stephen Brown, UF/IFAS Extension Lee County
Horticulture | UF IFAS Lee County Extension

Q and A: I have a gardenia bush that is steadily going downhill. How should I care for this plant to bring it back to health?

January 24, 2019

Question: I have a gardenia bush that is steadily going downhill. It has only a few leaves, lots of strange growth on the branches, and most of the leaves have a green center and yellow edges. I’ve included three photos for you to look at. ... READ MORE

Category: Home Landscapes, Horticulture
Tags: Gardenia, Lee County, Lichen, Magnesium Deficient, Mulch, Prune, Stephen Brown

Fact Sheets | Native Plants of Southwest Florida | Stephen Brown | Lee County Extension

October 26, 2018

Native Plants of Southwest Florida Library of Native Plants: Fact Sheets & Video Links - OLD LINKS (Needs to be Updated) Bark Exfoliation of South Florida Trees Bay Cedar (Suriana maritima) Beach Sunflower (Helianthus ... READ MORE

Category: Florida-Friendly Landscaping, Home Landscapes, Horticulture
Tags: Bursera Simaruba, Ernodea Littoralis, FFL Yard Recognition Form, Llex Cassine, Pseudophoenix Sargentii, Stachytarpheta Jamaicensis, Swietenia Mahagoni, Acrostichum Danaeifolum, Annona Glabra, Argusia Gnaphalodes, Baccharis Halimifolia, Bark Exfoliation Of South Florida Trees, Bay Cedar, Beach Sunflower, Beautyberry, Bejaria Racemosa, Blackroot, Blechnum Serrulatum, Blue Porterweed, Buccaneer Palm, Buttonbush, Buttonwood, Cabbage Palm, Cabbage Palm Pictorial, Caesalpinia Bonduc, Callicarpa Americana, Camphor Daisy, Canella Winterana, Capparis Cynophallophora, Cephalanthus Occidentalis, Cherokee Bean, Chrysolalanus Icaco, Cinnamon Bark Tree, Citharexylum Spinosum, Coccoloba Diversifolia, Coccoloba Uvifera, Cocoplum, Conocarpus Erectus, Coontie, Coonties And Atala Butterflies, Coral Bean, Cordia Sebestena, Coreopsis Leavenworthii, Cutleaf Evening Primrose, Dahoon Holly, Differences Between Laurel And Live Oaks, Elderberry, Erythrina Herbacea, Fact Sheet, Factsheet, Ficus Aurea, Fiddlewood, Firebush, Flaveria Linearis, Florida Native Plants, Florida Thatch Palm, Gaillardia, Gaillardia Pulchella, Geiger Tree, Genipa Clusifolia, Gentian Noddingcap, Giant Leather Fern, Golden Creeper, Guide For Real Florida Gardeners, Gumbo Limbo, Hamelia Patens, Helianthus Debilis, Helianthus Spp, Inkberry, Ipomoea Cordatotriloa, Ipomoea Pes-caprae, Jamaican Caper, Juniperus Virginiana Var. Silicicola, Lacy Bracken Fern, Leafless Beaked Tresses Orchid, Lee County, Lysiloma Latisiliquua, Mahogany, Mimosa, Mimosa Strigillosa, Morella Cerifera, Myrcianthes Fragrans, Native Plant & Service Directory, Native Plant Nurseries - Local, Native Plant Resources, Native Plants, Native Plants Of Southwest Florida, Native Wetland Species: Lee County, Necklace Pod, Nickerbean, Oenothera Laciniata, Pigeon Plum, Pond Apple, Prickly Plants, Prickly Zones, Psychotria Nervosa, Pteridum Aquilimum Var.candatum, Pterocaulon Pycnostachyum, Railroad Vine, Railroad Vine Measurement, Rayjacksonia Phyllocephala, Rhus Copallinum, Sabal Palmetto, Saltbush, Sambucus Nigra Subsp.Canadensis, Scaevola Plumieri, Sea Lavender, Sea Oats, Seagrape, Seaside Goldenrod, Seven-year Apple, Simpson's Stopper, Small Trees For South Florida, Solidago Sempervirens, Sophora Tomentosa, South Florida Native Plants, Southern Red Cedar, Spanish Bayonet, Stephen Brown, Strangler Fig, Sunflowers, Suriana Maritima, Swamp Fern, Sweet Acacia, Tarflower, Thrinax Radiata, Tickseed, Tie Vine, Uniola Paniculata, Vachellia Farnesiana, Viburnum Obovatum, Walter's Viburnum, Waxed Myrtle, Wild Coffee, Wild Tamarind, Winged Sumac, Yellowtop, Yucca Aloifolia, Zamia Floridana

Fact Sheets: Invasive Plants | Air Potato | Brazilian Pepper | Japanese Climbing Fern | Two-Leaf Nightshade | Stephen Brown | Lee County Extension

October 26, 2018

Invasive Plants Air Potato (Dioscorea bulbifera) Brazilian Pepper-tree Control Control of Hard to Manage Weeds Environmental Contractors Got Invasive? Get Help! Herbicide Control of Woody Plants Herbicides ... READ MORE

Category: Home Landscapes, Horticulture, Invasive Species
Tags: Air Potato, Brazilian Pepper, Control Of Hard To Manage Weeds, Environmental Contractors, Fact Sheet, Factsheet, Herbicide Control Of Woody Plants, Herbicides To Kill Invasive Trees, Invasive Plants, Japanese Climbing Fern, Lee County, Non-native Invasives, Prohibited Plants Of Lee County, Solanum, Stephen Brown, Two Leaf Nightshade

Fact Sheets: Irrigation | Stephen Brown | Lee County Extension

October 26, 2018

Irrigation Cape Coral (City) Irrigation Schedule FAQ on Landscape Irrigation Irrigation in Dry May Reclaimed Water: What's in it, Where does it go? Reclaimed Water: Constituents of Concern Reclaimed Water: Frequently ... READ MORE

Category: Home Landscapes, Horticulture, Lawn
Tags: Fact Sheet, Factsheet, Irrigation, Irrigation In Dry, Irrigation Schedule, Lee County, Reclaimed Water, Soft & Squishy Lawns, Stephen Brown, Waster Restrictions, Water Test, Waterwise Florida Landscapes

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