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Tag: food safety matters

FOOD SAFETY: The 2-hour rule

October 2, 2023

Food safety matters to us all. Engaging in safe food handling procedures can prevent a serious food borne illness. CDC estimates 48 million people get sick, 128,000 are hospitalized, and 3,000 die from foodborne diseases each year in the United ... READ MORE

Category: Food Safety, Health & Nutrition, UF/IFAS, UF/IFAS Extension,
Tags: Avoid Foodborne Illness, Cook And Chill, Engage In Food Safety Behaviors, Follow The Basic Food Safety Principles Of Clean, Food Safety, Food Safety And Leftovers, Food Safety At Family Gatherings, Food Safety Matters, Germs And Viruses, How Do I Store Leftovers Properly?, Keep Food Safe To Eat., Prevent The Spread Of Bacteria, Prevent The Spread Of Bacterial, Separate, Storing Leftovers, The 2 Hour Rule, What Is The Danger Zone?

Prevent Food Waste

March 28, 2022

Food waste can be a huge issue for many families and consumers. As a country, we throw away an estimated 40 percent of all the food produced, or up to 160 billion pounds each year. The cost of that waste approaches approximately $218 billion. ... READ MORE

Category: UF/IFAS Extension, , Work & Life
Tags: Buying Food In Bulk, Chill Food, Chill Food Properly, Create A Shopping List, Don't Over Buy, Don't Waste Food, Food, Food Is Our Middle Name, Food Protection, Food Safety And Quality, Food Safety Matters, Food Waste, Food Waste Can Be Prevented, Food Waste Prevention, Food Waste Reduction Suggestions, Freezing, Garbage, Ideas To Prevent Food Waste, Leftovers, Prevent Food Waste, Safe To Eat, Save Food Dollars, Save Money, Use A Shopping List, Use Up Leftovers

Engaging in Food Safety Behaviors Does Matter

February 8, 2022

There has been a renewed emphasis on food safety, handwashing, and other personal hygiene practices with the COVID-19 pandemic. Foodborne illness has been known for years to affect an estimated 48 million people each year with approximately ... READ MORE

Category: Food Safety, UF/IFAS Extension, Work & Life
Tags: Bacteria Can Spread Through Cross Contamination, Broward County, Chill, Clean, Cook, Cook Food To A Safe Internal Temperature, Covid-19, Food Borne Illness Reduced, Food Safety, Food Safety Matters, Food Safety; Cutting Boards, Food Thermometer, Foodborne Illness, Handwashing, Keep The Incidence Of Food Borne Illness Low, Personal Hygiene, Separate

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