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Tag: Diets and Dieting

Mango salsa.

Exploring Intuitive Eating

October 21, 2022

Eating Season is coming. It’s nearly Halloween, which serves as the terrifying prelude to Eating Season, the time of year from Thanksgiving to early February when every gathering seems to involve large quantities of rich, delicious food. ... READ MORE

Category: Health & Nutrition
Tags: Amber Fritsche, Anastasia Narizhnaya, Diannette Osorio Rexach, Diets And Dieting, Food, Food Science And Human Nutrition Department, Health, Intuitive Eating, Jennifer Campestrini, Kaitlyn Grange, Kaylan Hebert, Kelsi Garcia, Rebecca Preece, Wendy J. Dahl
Drink water before, during, and after exercising to stay hydrated. For long or extreme workouts, you can have a sports drink to replenish electrolytes lost in sweat. Stay away from drinks high in sugars, which can cause an upset stomach.

Food and Fitness: Myths and Truths

August 6, 2015

Do you know how much water you should drink before exercise? Does loading up on carbs before a strenuous cardio workout improve performance? This 6-page fact sheet debunks some common myths about nutrition and fitness and offers other helpful ... READ MORE

Category: Health & Nutrition, Work & Life
Tags: Amy Mullins, Diets And Dieting, Family Nutrition And Health, Family Youth And Community Sciences Department, Linda B. Bobroff, Physical Activity

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