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Tag: Coffea canephora

Científicos de UF investigan cómo ofrecerle un “café climáticamente inteligente”

July 25, 2024

Creado por Brad Buck, especialista sénior en relaciones públicas para UF/IFAS.  ¿Se le antoja esa taza de café por la mañana? A nivel mundial, los consumidores beben más de 2,2 mil millones de tazas de café al día. Detrás de todo ... READ MORE

Category: Agriculture, Crops, UF/IFAS Research
Tags: Adaptacion, Agricultura, Ali Sarkhosh, Alternativas De Cafe, Altitud, Altura, Brasil, Cafe, Cafe Arabica, Cafe Climaticamente Inteligente, Cafe Robusta, Calidad Del Cafe, Cambio Climatico, Ciencias Horticolas, Clima, Coffea Arabica, Coffea Canephora, Conilon, Cultivo, Cultivos Climaticamente Inteligentes, Demanda Del Consumidor, Español, Felipe Ferrao, Florida, Jonathan Crane, Pierson, Produccion, Resistencia, Spanish, Suelos, TREC, UF-IFAS, Variedad Flexible, Volusia, World Coffee Research

UF scientists study how to bring you ‘climate-smart coffee’

July 25, 2024

Crave that cup of coffee in the morning? Globally, consumers drink more than 2.2 billion cups daily. Someone grows all that joe: More than 100 million farmers worldwide produce coffee. Coffee beans consumed across the globe come from two ... READ MORE

Category: Agribusiness, SFYL Hot Topic
Tags: Ali Sarkhosh, Aroma, Brazil, Climate, Climate-smart Coffee, Coffea Arabica, Coffea Canephora, Coffee, Conilon, Cultivars, Felipe Ferrao, Flavor, France, Horticultural Sciences, Jonathan Crane, Robusta, UF/IFAS Tropical Research And Education Center, Yield

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