Panko Encrusted Mangrove Snapper with Apricot Pineapple Sauce! Florida Seafood at Your Fingertips LIVE!
September 24, 2020
Seafood at your fingertips is back and with fried fish?! Frying may not be the healthiest method of cooking but having a fish fry is my favorite way of preparing what I catch! I often choose to fried not only because I love the crispy delicious ... READ MORE
Category: Agriculture, Coasts & Marine, Conservation, Events, Food Safety, Fruits & Vegetables, Health & Nutrition, Natural Resources, Recreation, UF/IFAS, UF/IFAS Extension, Water, Wildlife, Work & LifeTags: Apricot, Collier, Collier County, Cooking, Cooking Demo, Eat Seafood America, Fillet, Fishing, FL Sea Grant, Florida, Florida Sea Grant, Fried Fish, Fried Snapper, FWC, Gray Snapper, How To, Mangrove Snapper, Panko, Pineapple, Recipe, Red Snapper, Regulations, Restaurant, Sea Grant, SFAYFT, Snapper, Southwest Florida, Spearfishing, SW FL