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Tag: Food safety; cutting boards

Engaging in Food Safety Behaviors Does Matter

February 8, 2022

There has been a renewed emphasis on food safety, handwashing, and other personal hygiene practices with the COVID-19 pandemic. Foodborne illness has been known for years to affect an estimated 48 million people each year with approximately ... READ MORE

Category: Food Safety, UF/IFAS Extension, Work & Life
Tags: Bacteria Can Spread Through Cross Contamination, Broward County, Chill, Clean, Cook, Cook Food To A Safe Internal Temperature, Covid-19, Food Borne Illness Reduced, Food Safety, Food Safety Matters, Food Safety; Cutting Boards, Food Thermometer, Foodborne Illness, Handwashing, Keep The Incidence Of Food Borne Illness Low, Personal Hygiene, Separate

Cut the Risk From Your Cutting Boards

January 28, 2022

The use of cutting boards during meal prep is a common practice when engaging in culinary techniques like cutting, slicing, dicing, and chopping. Cutting board options nowadays range from wood to nonporous surfaces such as plastic, glass, marble, ... READ MORE

Category: Food Safety, SFYL Hot Topic, UF/IFAS Extension, Work & Life
Tags: Campylobacter, Chill, Chopping, Clean, Cleaning, Cook, Cross-contamination, Cut The Risk From Your Cutting Board, Cutting, Cutting Board, Dicing, Food And Illness, Food Safety; Cutting Boards, Food Scientists, Food Vehicle, Foodborne Illness, Harmful Bacteria, Meal Prep, Prevent Cross Contamination, Salmonella, Sanitizing, Separate, Sick, Slicing