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Tag: Citrus Diseases

Newest tool to fight citrus diseases may be found in citrus microbiome

September 2, 2021

LAKE ALFRED, Fla. --- The next key to winning the battle against citrus diseases such as citrus canker may be in the tiniest microbes that live inside the citrus tree. University of Florida researchers hope to discover how these microbes may ... READ MORE

Category: Pests & Disease
Tags: Citrus Diseases, Citrus Research, Grant, Microbes, Microbiology And Cell Science, Microcell, Nian Wang, Nifa, Pathogens, Plant Health, UF/IFAS Citrus Research And Education Center, USDA
phytophthora id brochure

Phytophthora Identification and Sampling in Citrus Nurseries

August 5, 2015

Phytophthora species are important soil-borne, fungus-like pathogens that attack the root systems, trunk, and fruit of citrus trees at any age. The front of this identification sheet includes images of healthy and infested roots and descriptions ... READ MORE

Category: Agriculture, Pests & Disease
Tags: Citrus Diseases, Citrus Research And Education Center, Diane B. Bright, J.H. Graham, Jamie Burrow, Phytophthora Spp., Soil And Water Sciences Department, Timothy D. Riley
PFD brochure

Postbloom Fruit Drop (PFD) Identification and Management

August 5, 2015

This two-sided ID card is idea for growers working in the field trying to identify or manage postbloom fruit drop (PFD) in citrus. The ID card includes photos of blooms affected by PFD and photos of healthy blooms for comparison. The card ... READ MORE

Category: Agriculture, Pests & Disease
Tags: Citrus Diseases, Citrus Research And Education Center, Jamie D. Burrow, Megan M. Dewdney, Natalia A. Peres, Plant Pathology Department, Postbloom Fruit Drop