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Tag: strawberry breeding

bright red strawberries held in the palm of two hands

It’s a first: UF scientists find ethyl vanillin in a UF/IFAS-bred strawberry

November 14, 2023

University of Florida scientists have found ethyl vanillin -- an aroma compound in many artificial vanilla-flavored food products -- in a UF/IFAS-bred strawberry. This is a key finding for the food and beverage industry and for the UF/IFAS ... READ MORE

Category: UF/IFAS
Tags: Citrus Research And Education Center, Ethyl Vanillin, Food And Beverages, Medallion, Strawberries, Strawberry Breeding, UF/IFAS Gulf Coast Research And Education Center, Vance Whitaker, Vanilla, Yu Wang
bright red strawberries held in the palm of two hands

UF scientists see bright future as they seek savory strawberries – and high yield

June 8, 2023

Strawberry consumers love the fruit’s sweet flavor, and University of Florida scientists are trying to meet that desire, while also helping growers produce high yields. But genes and volatile compounds that control flavor are difficult ... READ MORE

Category: Agriculture
Tags: AI, Aroma, Artificial Intelligence, Flavor, Genetics, Gulf Coast Research And Education Center, Kevin Wang, Mark Porter, Plant Breeding Ph.D. Program, Precision Ag, Seonghee Lee, Strawberries, Strawberry Breeding, Strawberry Genome, Taste Panels, Vance Whitaker

2016 Strawberry Field Day

January 25, 2016

Although Gulf Coast Research Center is located in southern Hillsborough County, we found from past experience that strawberry growers tend to feel the center is a little removed from the action, which is located in Plant City. Therefore, in ... READ MORE

Category: Agriculture, , Crops, Events, Horticulture, Pests & Disease, UF/IFAS, UF/IFAS Extension
Tags: Disease Control, Dover, Florida Strawberries, Florida Strawberry Growers Association, Gulf Coast Research, Labor Issues, Molecular Breeding, Nematode Control, Pest Control, Plant City Strawberries, Strawberry Breeding, Strawberry Growers, Strawberry Varieties, Weed Control

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