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Tag: organize

Do you hate your inbox?

December 5, 2023

Start 2024 with a healthier relationship with email. It is necessary and can be very rewarding to clean up your emails. Studies show that it can improve organization, reduce clutter, and make it easier to find important messages. Here are ... READ MORE

Category: Clubs & Volunteers, Professional Development, SFYL Hot Topic, UF/IFAS Extension, Work & Life
Tags: Archive, Attachments, Cleanup Strategies., Delete, Email Provider, Filters, Folders, Gmail, Inbox, Junk Folder, Labels, Newsletters, Organize, Outlook, Projects, Promotional Emails, Regular Maintenance, Rules, Search Function, Sender, Sent Items, Spam Folder, Topics, Unsubscribe, Yahoo

Older Adults-Save Your Energy and Simplify

April 4, 2022

Older adults may have trouble getting everything done in a day.  The pandemic has slowed things down for many seniors, families, and consumers.  Now that things have begun to pick up, it’s a good idea to reevaluate our activities and prioritize ... READ MORE

Category: Health & Nutrition, UF/IFAS, UF/IFAS Extension, , Work & Life
Tags: Ask For Help When Needed, Avoid Stress, Balance Work And Breaks, Break Larger Tasks Into Smaller Tasks, Carry Smaller Loads, Check With Your Healthcare Provider, Clear Clutter, Conserve Energy, Create A Meal Plan, Develop Good Coping Mechanisms, Don't Rush, Elder Nutrition And Food Safety, Energy Drain, Exercise, Flexibility And Mobility, Get Regular Exercise, Limit Items Stored On High Shelves, Lower Stress, Maintain Strength, Make Time For Breaks, Older Adults, Organize, Pace Yourself, Peak Energy Times, Personal Hygiene, Plan, Plan Ahead, Quality Of Life, Rest, Save Energy, Save Your Energy, Simplify, Simplify Your Life, Sit, Sit In A Chair With Good Support, Stand, Take Deep Breaths, Take Good Care Of Yourself, Wear Comfortable Shoes

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