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Tag: lawns

Foreground flowering plants in landscape bed with green lawn in background

June Gardening May Include Visit to Plant Clinic

June 13, 2023

June offers hotter temperatures, humidity and possible thunderstorm activity. In addition, school is out and many people take time to go on vacation. This leaves less time for landscape and garden chores. But there are things to do in the June ... READ MORE

Category: Events, Florida-Friendly Landscaping, Fruits & Vegetables, Home Landscapes, Horticulture, Lawn, Pests & Disease, Pests & Disease, Turf, UF/IFAS Extension
Tags: June Gardening, Landscapes, Lawns, Plant Clinic, Vegetable Gardening

Changes to the Orange County Plant Clinic

May 17, 2023

Did you know that UF/IFAS Extension Orange County has a group of trained volunteers to help you with your plant needs? If your plants are in need contact our Residential Plant Clinic! What exactly is a Plant Clinic? Think of it as a one-stop-shop ... READ MORE

Category: Florida-Friendly Landscaping, Home Landscapes, Horticulture, UF/IFAS Extension
Tags: Fertilizer, FFL, Florida, Florida Friendly, Florida-Friendly Landscaping, Fruits And Vegetables, Garden, Gardening, Horticulture, Irrigation, Landscape, Lawn, Master Gardener Volunteer, Master Gardener Volunteers, New Vegetable Gardener, OC MGV, Ocextension, Orange County, Pests, Plant Diagnostic, Plant Help, Plants, Trees, Turf, UF/IFAS Extension Orange County, Vegetable Gardening, Volunteers

Tips for Florida Homeowners on Fertilizing Plants

May 17, 2023

Fertilizer can help plants grow but can also have adverse effects on the environment. Be sure to apply best management practices when fertilizing to optimize your plant health without harming our water bodies. Watch the recording of our How ... READ MORE

Category: , Florida-Friendly Landscaping, Fruits & Vegetables, Home Landscapes, Home Management, Horticulture, Lawn, Turf, UF/IFAS Extension, Water
Tags: Fertilizer, Florida-Friendly Landscaping, Fruit, Grass, Hillsborough County, Landscape, Lawn, Master Gardener Volunteer, Shrub, Tampa, Tree, Tsilvasy, Turf, Vegetables, Video, YouTube

The Time for Mixed Mowable Species has Come

May 11, 2023

A lawn by any other name... The "lawn" is a cult phenomenon in the United States.   Somewhere along the line, we associated a monoculture of a single grass species with the ultimate achievement in landscaping.  Unfortunately, this mindset ... READ MORE

Category: Conservation, Florida-Friendly Landscaping, Health & Nutrition, Home Landscapes, Horticulture, Natural Resources, UF/IFAS Extension, Work & Life
Tags: Alternative Lawns, Ecology, Featured Hot Topic, FFL, Florida Friendly, Landscape Ecology, Lawns, Mixed Mowable Species, Mixed Turf, Newsletter, Newsletter2, Plant Diversity, Sustainability, Turf
Classes and events at U F I F A S Extension Brevard County

May 2023 Class List

April 27, 2023

Join us at the UF/IFAS Brevard Extension office for some fun learning experiences this May! Below is our current class list for the month. Mother's Day Charcuterie Board Basics May 3  |  6 pm – 8 pm Mom’s and kids of all ages, celebrate ... READ MORE

Category: Events
Tags: 4-H, Adulting, Backyard Chicken, Bright Futures, Bycatch Reduction Devices, Canning, Car Seat Safety, Charcuterie, Charcuterie Board, Child Passenger Saftey, Child Safety, Commercial Landscaping, Crab Traps, Day Camp, Florida, Florida Friendly, Florida Friendly Fishing, Florida Wildlife, Food Handlers, Food Handlers Certification, Food Preservation, Food Safety, Golf Association, Hunter Safety, Invasive Species, Livestock, Outdoor Skills, Pasture Management, Pest Control, Pesticide, Pests, Poultry, Pressure Canning, Seminar, Soil Improvement, Space Coast Golf & Turf Association, Summer Camp, Turf, Turf Management, Turfgrass, Volunteer Opportunities, Volunteering, Water Bath Canning, Youth Development