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Tag: food supply

farm field about to be harvested by tractor with inset photos of diverse farm workers

Good Food Connections Virtual Meet-Up is Back

October 11, 2021

I think we would all agree that food is vitally important. More of us are starting to notice that the quality and origin of that food is just as important. Consumers are asking for locally grown, organic, farm-raised and more. The trend for ... READ MORE

Category: Agribusiness, Events, UF/IFAS Extension
Tags: Connections, Crops, Food, Food Supply, Networking, Produce, Restaurant, UF/IFAS Extension St. Lucie County, Vegetables

Florida MarketMaker – A Tool for Producer Marketing & Applied Research

December 4, 2014

Did you know that UF/IFAS manages a nifty FREE resource called Florida MarketMaker for marketing and research throughout the food supply chain? Many producers and Extension throughout Florida do not even know this resource exists. MarketMaker ... READ MORE

Category: Money Matters, Work & Life
Tags: Buyers, Consumers, Distributors, Extension, Farmers, Farmers Markets, Fisheries, Florida MarketMaker, Food Hubs, Food Related Businesses, Food Supply, Neries, Od Pantries, Processors/packers, Producers, Ranchers, Restaurants, Retailers, Seafood Dealers, Wholesalers

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