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Tag: first in first out

End of Hurricane Season: Time to Use or Donate Your Non-Perishable Supplies

December 11, 2024

The end of hurricane season is here, and it's a good time to either use up your non-perishable supplies or donate them to a worthy cause. This ensures that your stock is refreshed for the next season while helping those who may benefit from ... READ MORE

Category: Disaster Preparation, Food Safety, Health & Nutrition,
Tags: Emergency Food Supply, Emergency Preparedness, End Of Hurricane Season, Expiration Dates, FIFO, First In First Out, Food Donations, Food Pantry, Food Safety, Food Shelf, Holiday Food Drive, Hurricane, Manage Supplies Wisely, Non-perishables, Reduce Food Waste, Share Food, Sharing
A shopper grapples with products and technology in a grocery store [CREDIT: pxhere.com, Viki Mohamad]

Grocery Shopping for Your Health: Keeping a basic, healthy pantry

November 16, 2021

In our last post in the "Grocery Shopping for Your Health" series, we strolled through the breads aisle and bakery area. Today, we'll tackle the how to stock a pantry. Many households overlook the value of keeping a healthy, organized pantry. ... READ MORE

Category: Food Safety, Health & Nutrition, Money Matters, Work & Life
Tags: FIFO, FIN, First In First Out, Food, Groceries, Grocery, GroceryShoppingForYourHealth, Health, Money, Nutrition, Pantry, Pgm_FCS, Save, Saving, Shop, Shopping, Storage

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