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Category: Fruits & Vegetables

Blossom End Rot

Q: Last year I had the ends rot out of watermelon and cantaloupe. What can I put on the plants to prevent the end rot?

June 13, 2017

Q: Last year I had the ends rot out of watermelon and cantaloupe. They bloom but no fruit developed. This year, I planted zucchini instead and I am getting the same problem. The fruit is rotting out from the bloom end. I now have cantaloupe ... READ MORE

Category: Fruits & Vegetables, Home Landscapes, Pests & Disease
Tags: Blossom End Rot, Melon, Squash
mandarin orange tree

Q: I purchased a Mandarin Orange tree called ‘Robinson’ at a local nursery and was told I needed a pollinator tree to produce fruit.

June 12, 2017

Q: I purchased a Mandarin Orange tree called ‘Robinson’ at a local nursery and was told I needed a pollinator tree to produce fruit. Is that true and if so what should I use to pollinate it? A : Many citrus trees are self-pollinators meaning ... READ MORE

Category: Fruits & Vegetables, Home Landscapes
Tags: Citrus, Mandarin Orange Tree, Pollinator

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