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Category: Agriculture

UF researchers find natural product that boosts plant defense against root pests

June 28, 2012

Click here for high resolution photo. Caption at bottom. GAINESVILLE, Fla. --- University of Florida researchers have discovered a natural compound to battle insect pests that plague gardeners and growers. The compound boosts crops’ resistance ... READ MORE

Category: Agriculture, Invasive Species, Pests & Disease, UF/IFAS, UF/IFAS Research
Tags: Citrus, Diaprepes, IFAS, Institute Of Food And Agricultural Sciences, Larry Duncan, Nematodes, Pregeijerene, Stelinski, University Of Florida

Watch Livestock For Foot Rot

June 27, 2012

By Les Harrison Wakulla County Extension Director Tropical Storm Debby is headed out to sea, but the many problems she caused are still here. One of particular concern to livestock owners is foot rot. It is a frequent problem of beef and ... READ MORE

Category: Agriculture, Farm Management, Livestock
Tags: Agriculture, Cattle, Extension, Les Harrison, Livestock, North Florida, Storm Water Runoff, Tropical Storm, Uncategorized, Wakulla, Wakulla County, Wakulla County Extension, Water

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