Extension Collier County

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Category: Coasts & Marine

Gulf Islands Seashore National Park.

Who Needs A Fishing License? Florida License Free Fishing Days?!

June 5, 2020

Have you ever had a family member or buddy who you wanted to take fishing, but they didn’t want to purchase a fishing license? Have you always wanted to try fishing but didn’t want to fork up the price of a annual license? Are you an avid ... READ MORE

Category: 4-H & Youth, Camp, Coasts & Marine, Conservation, Events, Home Management, Invasive Species, Natural Resources, Recreation, Water, Wildlife, Work & Life
Tags: Atlantic, Bass, Bluegill, Collier, Fishing, Florida, Florida Sea Grant, FWC, Gulf Of Mexico, Snook
Navarre Fishing Pier in Navarre, Florida, photographed for the Naturally Escarosa phone application.

Gulf Amberjack Closes While Gag Grouper Opens June 1st! Also, What’s Barotrauma? Reef Fish Surveys?

May 29, 2020

Greater amberjack season will be closed in Gulf of Mexico state and federal waters starting June 1st and will reopen August 1st- October 31st 2020. These jacks are still open on the Atlantic side if you are still craving to fill the smoker. ... READ MORE

Category: Coasts & Marine, Conservation, Natural Resources, Recreation, Water, Wildlife
Tags: Barotrauma, Black Grouper, Collier County, Diving, Fishing, Florida Sea Grant, FWC, Gag Grouper, Gulf Of Mexico, Scuba
Cottage food preparation at the communal kitchen at Fifth Generation Farms in Lake City, Florida. Image used in the 2015 UF/IFAS Extension Calendar.

African Pompano Ceviche!: Florida Seafood at your Fingertips LIVE!

May 20, 2020

Ceviche Looking for a cool, tangy, delicious summertime snack? Look no further and prepare yourself some ceviche using fresh from Florida seafood! Ceviche is a dish that has been adopted by many Latin American cultures and each has their own ... READ MORE

Category: Coasts & Marine, Food Safety, Health & Nutrition, Natural Resources, Recreation, Water, Wildlife
Tags: African Pompano, Ceviche, Collier, Cook Your Catch, Fish, Fishing, Florida Sea Grant, Pompano, Seafood, Seafood At Your Fingertips, SFAYFT
An invasive Cuban Tree Frog specimen. Invasive species, amphibians and reptiles. frogs, pests.

Florida Is So Nice Everything Wants To Live Here, Including Non-Native Animals And Plants!

May 15, 2020

“Invasions of exotic species cost Floridians over $500 million per year” -Ivegot1.org. May 16th-23rd is Florida Invasive Species Awareness Week and there will be plenty of educational resources to check out during this time to expand your ... READ MORE

Category: Agriculture, Coasts & Marine, Conservation, Crops, Florida-Friendly Landscaping, Fruits & Vegetables, Home Landscapes, Horticulture, Invasive Species, Natural Resources, Pests & Disease, Pests & Disease, Recreation, UF/IFAS, UF/IFAS Extension, UF/IFAS Research, Water, Wildlife
Tags: Anole, Brazilian Pepper, Cane Toad, Collier County, Control, Critter Corner, FISAW, FLinvasives, Florida Friendly Landscaping, Florida Sea Grant, Invasive Species, Lionfish, Plants, Poisonous, SW FL, Venomous
Commercial fishing boats at the marina in Keaton Beach, Florida.

Amberjacks? A Complete Guide Of What You Need To Know Before The Season Opens.

April 29, 2020

Greater amberjack (Seriola dumerili) season is opening this Friday May 1-31st and again August 1st- October 31st in Gulf of Mexico state and federal waters here in Florida (regulations here). I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to ... READ MORE

Category: Coasts & Marine, Conservation, Natural Resources, Recreation, UF/IFAS Extension, Water
Tags: Amberjack, Angler, Collier County, Fish, Fishing, Florida Sea Grant, FWC, Gulf Of Mexico, Jack, NOAA, Seafood

COVID Cane Toad Removal

April 24, 2020

With many Floridians following the Governor’s safer at home order, homeowners have gotten to know their yard and neighborhood landscaping extremely well! One activity you can participate in while on your walks is the removal of invasive ... READ MORE

Category: Coasts & Marine, Community Volunteers, Conservation, Florida-Friendly Landscaping, Forests, Home Landscapes, Home Management, Invasive Species, Natural Resources, Recreation, UF/IFAS Extension, UF/IFAS Research, Water, Wildlife, Work & Life
Tags: Amphibian, Bufo Toad, Cane Toad, Collier County, Invasive, Invasive Species, Pest, Poison, SWFL, Toad

Year-Round Lobster Season in Southwest Florida?!

April 17, 2020

Year-round lobster seasons?! Besides the Caribbean spiny lobster (Pannulirus argus), there are 3 other commonly found species of lobster in Florida, the spotted spiny lobster (Panulrius guttatus), Spanish lobster (Scyllarides aequinoctialis) ... READ MORE

Category: Coasts & Marine, Conservation, Events, Health & Nutrition, Natural Resources, Recreation, UF/IFAS, UF/IFAS Extension, Water, Wildlife, Work & Life
Tags: "beautiful South Florida Plants", Coasts & Marine, Collier County Extension, Cooking, Fishing, FL Sea Grant, Florida Sea Grant, Flseagrant, FWC, Grill, Invertebrate, Lobster, Lobstering, Scuba, Slipper Lobster, Spiny Lobster
Seafood on ice in display case. Seafood, shrimp, red snapper, crab legs, grouper.

Smoking Fish With A Sea Grant Agent

April 14, 2020

This write -chronicles a Sea Grant agent’s first attempt at smoking fish. Did it go perfectly? No. Did it end up tasting great? Yes. Did he learn something about smoking? Also yes. Follow me on my fish smoking journey to learn from my ... READ MORE

Category: Coasts & Marine, Food Safety, Health & Nutrition, Natural Resources, UF/IFAS, Water, Work & Life
Tags: Coasts And Marine, Collier County, Fillet, Fish, Florida Sea Grant, Flseagrant, Fresh From Florida, Grill, Mangrove Snapper, Recipe, Seafood At Your Fingertips, Smoked Fish, Snapper
Joshua Patterson (maroon shirt) with undergraduate student interns Katherine Anderson and Carissa Mastrorio.

University of Florida Researchers Boost Ornamental Aquaculture

March 25, 2020

In Florida, the most valuable sector of aquaculture is providing ornamental fish, plants and invertebrates for the aquarium industry. About 90 percent of freshwater ornamental fish are produced in captivity however only a few marine species ... READ MORE

Category: Agriculture, Coasts & Marine, Home Landscapes, Livestock, Natural Resources, Water, Wildlife
Tags: Aquaculture, Aquarium, Catfish, Coasts And Marine, Fish Tank, Florida Sea Grant, Induction Spawning, NationalAgWeek, Ornamental Aquaculture, Sharkminnow, TAL, Tropical Aquaculture Lab, UFIFASNew
Sea Grant seafood app photography at Wild Ocean Market on Friday, August 24th, 2012. Fish.

A Southwest Florida Guide to Everything You Want to Know About Spiny Lobster!

March 25, 2020

Florida spiny lobster season occurs every year from August 6th-March 31st! Grab some delicious bugs while the season is open and enjoy some fresh from Florida seafood. Read the rest of the blog for information on Florida spiny lobster rules ... READ MORE

Category: Coasts & Marine, Conservation, Natural Resources, Recreation, Water, Wildlife
Tags: Coasts And Marine, Collier, Collier County, Collier County Extension, Diving, Fishing, Florida Sea Grant, FWC, IFASwater, Lobster, Lobster Eggs, Recreational, Scuba Steve, Southwest Florida, Spiny Lobster, UFwildlife, What Do Lobsters Eat

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