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Tag: Roy Beckford

Watermelon & Corn

Event: Lee County Urban Gardening and Micro Business Course

January 2, 2018

Interested in growing your own small food related business? Agents Roy Beckford and Jennifer Hagen of the Lee County Extension Office can help. The Urban Gardening and Micro-Business class series will introduce practical and technical concepts ... READ MORE

Category: Agribusiness, Agriculture, Events, Food Safety, Fruits & Vegetables, Horticulture, Pests & Disease, UF/IFAS Extension, Work & Life
Tags: Agriculture, Backyard Chickens, Bees, Cottage Food, Family And Consumer Sciences, Food Business, Food Safety, Gardening, Jennifer Hagen, Lee County, Micro Business, Permaculture, Poultry, Regulations, Roy Beckford, Urban Agriculture

Q and A: With the evening rains have come the thousands of ants. What can I do to rid these pests from my home?

May 13, 2017

from N.H., in Fort Myers Answer: There are several species of ants found in or around houses in Florida. In general, the most common ants can be grouped as house infesting, yard infesting, and carpenter ants. The most commonly encountered ... READ MORE

Category: Home Landscapes, Pests & Disease
Tags: Acrobat Ant, Bigheaded Ant, Camponotus Abdominalis, Carbaryl, Carpenter Ant, Chlorpyrifos, Crazy Ant, Crematogaster Spp, Fenoxycarb, Ghost Ant, Hydramethylnon, Imported Fire Ant, Lee County, Monomorium Pharaonis, Native Fire Ant, Paratrchina Longicornis, Pharoah Ant, Pheidole Megacephala, Propoxur, Roy Beckford, Solenopsis Geminata, Solenopsis Invicta, Southwest, Sulfuramid, Tapinoma Melanocephalum
air potato

Q and A: I have recently purchased several acres and am having a hard time getting rid of air potato. Can you provide me with some information?

May 13, 2017

from S.H., in North Fort Myers Answer: Florida is home to many exotic invasive plants. The air potato (Dioscorea bulbifera) is one of many. Control of exotic/invasive plants can be difficult and tiring. There are several methods of control, ... READ MORE

Category: Home Landscapes, Horticulture, Invasive Species, Lawn, Natural Resources
Tags: Air Potato, Dioscorea Bulbifera, Garlon, Invasive Species, Lee County, Roy Beckford, Southwest, Weed

Q and A: I have an open aerator on my water system that now smells like rotten eggs. Do you have any ideas for troubleshooting this problem?

May 13, 2017

from G.M., via e-mail Answer: Hydrogen sulfide or sulfur is a naturally occurring contaminant, which gives water a disagreeable "rotten egg" odor and taste. Hydrogen sulfide is a gas that is found in well water and makes water corrosive to ... READ MORE

Category: Home Management, Natural Resources, Water
Tags: Aerator, Hydrogen Sulfide, Lee County, Rotten Egg Smell, Roy Beckford, Southwest, Sulfur, Well Water

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