Tag: Panhandle Outdoors
Panhandle Outdoors LIVE 2013!
March 1, 2013
Are you interested in exploring and discovering more about the waterways and wildlife around you? If so, Panhandle Outdoors LIVE may be right up your alley. In 2012, natural resources Extension Agents took over 200 people on trips ... READ MORE
Category: Natural ResourcesTags: Curiosities, Events, Habitat Conservation, Hiking, Kayaking, Panhandle Outdoors, Recreation, Sustainable Living, Watershed, Wildlife
Living With Snakes… 2013, Year of the Snake
February 7, 2013
The Southeast Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation has dubbed 2013 as the “Year of the Snake”. There are many animals that strike fear in humans but little cause more than snakes. Interestingly kids seem to like them. It is ... READ MORE
Category: Natural ResourcesTags: Canebrake, Curiosities, Diamondback, Non-venomous, Panhandle Outdoors, Pit-viper, Rattler, Rattlesnake, Snakes, Timber, Timber Rattler, Venomous, Wildlife
E-10 FUEL Advice for Boaters
January 30, 2013
Since the introduction of 10% ethanol to gasoline (E-10 fuel) many boaters, including yours truly, have had problems with fouled fuel filters and marine engines not running at their top performance. The ethanol added to the fuel combines ... READ MORE
Category: Natural ResourcesTags: Boat, Boat Storage, E-10, Energy, Ethanol, Fuel, Panhandle Outdoors, Phase Separation, Recreation, Winterize
Registration Now Open for 2013 NW Florida Artificial Reef Workshop February 19 – 20, 2013 in Niceville, Florida.
January 17, 2013
An exciting new event is coming to our area. Northwest Florida’s first Artificial Reef Workshop since 2006 will be held February 19 – 20, 2013 at the Niceville Community Center. The community center is centrally located in the Panhandle ... READ MORE
Category: Natural ResourcesTags: Panhandle Outdoors, Uncategorized
Your Watershed “Address:” What is it, and Why it’s Important
January 9, 2013
No matter our distance from a lake, wetland, river, or coastline, we all live within the boundaries of a watershed. In fact, all land on earth is part of a watershed and all habitats exist within a watershed boundary. The size of watersheds ... READ MORE
Category: Natural ResourcesTags: EPA, Florida Panhandle, Habitat Conservation, Land Management, Non-point Source Pollution, Panhandle Outdoors, Sustainable Living, Water Pollution, Water Use, Watershed, Watershed Address
Expedition Florida 500 Launches in Pensacola
January 3, 2013
It is human nature to explore. We are a curious species, yearning from birth to stimulate our senses of sight, smell, touch...from an infant's grab at a colorful toy to an astronaut setting foot on the moon, we thrive on new adventures and ... READ MORE
Category: Natural ResourcesTags: Events, Florida History, Habitat Conservation, Panhandle Outdoors, Recreation, Sea Life, Water Conservation, Watershed
“Sea”sons Greetings!
December 19, 2012
Many marine species have festive holiday names. Jingle Shells, Pinecone Fish, Red Drum, Marine Snow, and Christmas Tree Worms are just a few. Pinecone Fish get their name as result of their armored plates called scutes. The scutes have ridges ... READ MORE
Category: Natural ResourcesTags: Bristle Worm, Christmas, Curiosities, Festive, Fish, Holiday, Panhandle Outdoors, Red Drum, Sea Life, Shells
Diamonds in the Marsh
December 5, 2012
It is hard to say one turtle is more beautiful than another but this is one beautiful turtle! The diamondback terrapin is the only brackish water turtle in the United States. These turtles can be easily distinguished from other species by ... READ MORE
Category: Natural ResourcesTags: Brackish Turtle, BRD, Bycatch Reduction Device, Crab Trap, Curiosities, Diamondback Terrapin, Habitat Conservation, Lend A Hand, Panhandle, Panhandle Outdoors, Research, Sea Life, Wildlife
The Invasion of the Lionfish
November 26, 2012
The Invasion of the Lionfish (Photo: Florida Sea Grant) It is a song that has been played in our state time and again. An exotic pet or plant is brought across our borders and either intentionally or accidentally released into the ... READ MORE
Category: Natural ResourcesTags: Fisheries, Gulf Of Mexico, Invasive, Invasives, Lend A Hand, Lionfish, Northwest Florida, Panhandle, Panhandle Outdoors, Recreation