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Tag: environment

Many colored helping hands graphic against a royal blue background.

Volunteering In Nature: Thank You Ecology and Natural Resources Program Volunteers!

August 16, 2023

Welcome back to the Volunteering in Nature blog series, where you can get an inspiring peak into the world of volunteering for the UF/IFAS Extension Sarasota County Ecology and Natural Resources program! As we move deeper into summer and ... READ MORE

Category: Community Volunteers, Conservation, Events, Natural Resources, UF/IFAS Extension, Wildlife, Work & Life
Tags: Conservation, Environment, Nature, Pgm_EcoNR, Volunteer, Volunteering_in_nature
Atala caterpillars on Coontie

A Florida-Friendly Landscaping™ Tale of Survival and Resurgence (Part I): Coontie Cycads

July 27, 2023

Countless species of flora and fauna have been lost in what is now being labeled as the Anthropocene extinction event. Fortunately, two local species have not only escaped from the brink of extinction but have rebounded as humans have improved ... READ MORE

Category: Conservation, Florida-Friendly Landscaping, Home Landscapes, Natural Resources
Tags: Conservation, Environment, FFL, Florida-Friendly Landscaping, Horticulture, Nature, Pgm_HortRes, Sustainability, Wildlife

Florida Waters Stewardship Program

May 5, 2023

Water touches every part of our lives. Whether you're an avid fisher, a weekend beachgoer, or just someone who enjoys a tall, cold glass of H₂O, your life depends on an ample supply of clean water. Originally developed by UF/IFAS Extension ... READ MORE

Category: Conservation, Events, Professional Development, UF/IFAS, UF/IFAS Extension, Water
Tags: Conserve, Environment, Florida Waters Stewardship Program, FWSP, Pgm_Water, Preserve, Protect, Water

Weeping Bottlebrush Poses Invasiveness Risk in Florida

February 15, 2023

Bottlebrush: Florida Friendly or Foe? Bottlebrush is a common plant in the landscapes of Florida; you may know it for its showy red blooms that, resembling bottlebrushes, coined the tree’s name. Although it thrives in both south and central ... READ MORE

Category: Agriculture, Florida-Friendly Landscaping, Home Landscapes, Horticulture, Invasive Species, Natural Resources, UF/IFAS, UF/IFAS Extension, UF/IFAS Research
Tags: Bottlebrush, Environment, Florida Friendly, Florida Friendly Landscape, Horticulture, Invasive Species, Landscape, Trees
Extension faculty in the field installing a soil moisture sensor in a vegetable crop

Soil Moisture Sensor Loaner-Trainer Program

February 8, 2023

Why use soil moisture sensors? Farmers have to carefully manage water supply for their crops. Too much or too little irrigation can damage or stress the crop, making it more vulnerable to weed competition, insect pests, and/or disease. Additionally, ... READ MORE

Category: Agribusiness, Agriculture, Farm Management, Water
Tags: Agribusiness, Agriculture, Best Management Practices, Commercial Horticulture Digest, Environment, Irrigation, Martin County, UF/IFAS Extension, Water

Practicing pesticide safety

February 1, 2023

February is Pesticide Safety Education month.  Whether using a conventional chemicals or biorational chemicals, understanding how to use the product safely is universal.  No product is 100% safe.  Remember they are used to control, prevent, ... READ MORE

Category: Home Landscapes, Lawn, Pests & Disease, Work & Life
Tags: Biorational, Environment, Horticulture, Landscape, Pest, Pesticide, Pesticides, Pgm_Chemicals, Polinator, Pollinators

UF scientist to investigate strategies to control major tomato disease

October 13, 2022

  Tomatoes represent a $1.9 billion-a-year crop planted on 330,000 acres across 18 states, but diseases such as bacterial spot can threaten them. A University of Florida scientist has been awarded a $5.8 million federal grant to study ... READ MORE

Category: UF/IFAS
Tags: Bacterial Spot, Bacterium, Environment, Fresh Market, Gary Vallad, Grant, Plant Breeding, Plant Pathology, Strains, Tomatoes, Transplant Facilities, USDA-NIFA
a dolphin dorsal fin above the water surface

Reporting Your Sightings or Interactions with Dolphins in Florida

August 9, 2022

Florida has an abundance of marine animals that you can spot while on the water or walking along the shoreline. This includes several dolphin species that are found in Florida’s coastal waters. The most common dolphin you might see is the ... READ MORE

Category: Coasts & Marine, Natural Resources, UF/IFAS Extension
Tags: Environment, Florida Sea Grant, Indian River Lagoon, UF/IFAS Extension, Wildlife

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