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Tag: Amy Vu

Expertos de UF/IFAS instan a los residentes a reconocer y reportar los avispones de patas amarillas

August 24, 2023

Creado por Meredith Bauer, sénior especialista en relaciones públicas de UF/IFAS. La detección de una nueva especie de avispa depredadora en Georgia podría significar problemas para la población de abejas melíferas de Florida si éste ... READ MORE

Category: Agriculture, Invasive Species, Pests & Disease, SFYL Hot Topic, UF/IFAS, UF/IFAS Extension, UF/IFAS Research
Tags: Abejas, Abejas Meliferas, Amy Vu, Avispa, Avispa Asiatica, Avispon, Avispon De Patas Amarillas, Avispon Europeo, Bees, Departamento De Agricultura Y Servicios Al Consumidor De Florida, Español, Laboratorio De Investigacion Y Extension De Abejas Meliferas, Larvas, Spanish, UF-IFAS, Vespa Crabro, Vespa Mandarinia, Vespa Velutina
Honey bees on honey comb

Five ways to help honey bees

August 17, 2023

National Honey Bee Day is August 19, and there are many ways to support the powerhouse pollinators. “Honey bees are critically important to our food supply,” said Amy Vu, UF/IFAS Extension state specialized agent in the Honey Bee Research ... READ MORE

Category: Agriculture, Conservation, Home Landscapes
Tags: Amy Vu, Gardening, Honey Bee Research And Extension Lab, Honey Bees, National Honey Bee Day, World Honey Bee Day

What’s the Buzz on Bees?

June 24, 2021

Florida is known for many of its “Fresh from Florida” commodities such as citrus, tomatoes, blueberries, strawberries, watermelons, beans, and sweet corn, but what role do honey bees play in the production of these crops? Did you know that ... READ MORE

Category: Agriculture, Conservation, Crops, Farm Management, Home Landscapes, Horticulture, Livestock, Natural Resources, Pests & Disease, Pests & Disease, Wildlife
Tags: Amy Vu, Bee, Brett Bultemeier, Honey Bee, Honey Bee Research And Extension Lab, Integrated Pest Management, Jamie Ellis, Pest Management, Pesticide Information Office, Pesticides, Pollinator Protection, Pollinator Week Cross Pollination, Pollinators, Sylvia Willis, UF Honey Bee Lab

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