I provide research based horticulture information to residents. This blog is for the novice, hobbyist and experienced gardener. If you’ve never met a plant you didn’t like or would like to learn to garden in north Florida conditions this UF/IFAS extension web site is for you. Gardens are as distinct, diverse and individual as the people that tend them. I’ll reveal garden tips and techniques to save time, money and heartache. I provide links to reputable sites. I hope you’ll feel empowered to explore new flora or use familiar plants in novel ways. I am inspired by your comments and what's growing in your landscapes, so please comment below. Outside my Master Gardener coordinator and county arborist duties, I'm restoring our 1950s farmhouse. I also like to swim, to read and recreational pruning. I fondly refer to my husband, Mike, as the man-of-the-mower. He's lamented if I kept planting he won't have any more lawn (to mow). The compromise is: I edge the proposed planting bed with a water hose, he surveys the angles makes edits so he can navigate in one pass. It's worked thus far, we're still married. Comment below and share what’s going on in your garden, backyard, patio or terrace. If you like this post click the heart so I know we're heading in the right direction. Again, welcome dear reader.