Fall Gardening Workshop; A Cornucopia of Techniques and Tips

Join us for an exciting half-day outdoor gardening workshop. Guests will discuss and practice diverse gardening techniques and tips. Bring your friends and curiosity. Build knowledge and gain gardening confidence. Masks encouraged but not required.

Workshop Topics:
Fall Gardening; From Seed to Table. Dig into soil mixes and identify vegetable varieties most suitable for North Florida cool season gardens.
Vermicomposting; Working with Nature. Repurpose kitchen scraps to create your own nutrient rich gardening ‘soil.’
How to Chip a Flower Bulb. Learn and practice the tried-and-true techniques for bulb ‘chipping’ to create more plants.
Trees; From the Roots Up. What to look for, correcting root defects, planting and establishing trees in sandy soils.

When: Friday, August 13, 2021 * 9 am – 12:30 pm.
Where: Levy County Extension * 625 North Hathaway Avenue, Bronson
EARLY BIRD registration $5. (five dollars) covers instruction and materials.
$10 at the door, space available.

Check or money order
payable to: University of Florida

625 North Hathaway Avenue
PO Box 219
Bronson, FL. 32621
memo: Fall Gardening Workshop
– OR –
Register online HERE

Questions,call me 352-486-5131. Until next time, Stay Safe, Garden Happy.


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Posted: June 22, 2021

Category: 4-H & Youth, Agriculture, Events, Home Landscapes
Tags: Fall Vegetables, Gardening, Levy County, Vegetable Gardening

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