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Tag: land use

UF researchers to lead project on deforestation and expanding cities in Ghana

September 27, 2019

Deforestation has significantly impacted West Africa for several decades and Ghana is still experiencing pressures from an increasing population in urban areas. The challenge of identifying land cover change drivers due to the complex interactions ... READ MORE

Category: Agriculture, Natural Resources
Tags: Agricultural And Biological Engineering, Deforestation, Ghana, Land Use, NASA, Research, SERVIR, UFABE, Urbanization, Usaid

CIVIC: Community Voices Informed Choices

April 1, 2019

What is CIVIC and how does it relate to community resource development in Broward County? CIVIC is UF/IFAS Extension community development programming and the acronym stands for: Community Voices Informed Choices. It is a UF/IFAS Extension ... READ MORE

Category: UF/IFAS Extension, Work & Life
Tags: Awareness, Brainstorming, CIVIC, Community, Community Challenges, Community Resource Development, Contentious Issue, Conversation, Critical Needs, Discussion, Facilitation, Forum, Ideas, Land Use, Partnerships, People, Same Page, Solutions, Water Quality

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