Extension Sarasota County

Tag: FCS

Hurricane Andrew damage in southern Florida in 1992

Storm prep: Picking and packing your paperwork

June 20, 2017

Hurricane season is upon us. Though building your disaster preparedness kit before a storm arrives is essential, we know it can be a daunting task. We'll help you get it together, by breaking down the process into simple, little steps you can ... READ MORE

Category: Disaster Preparation, Work & Life
Tags: Disaster, Disaster Kit, Documents, FCS, Hurricane, Insurance, Itemize, Paperwork, Pgm_FCS, Preparation, Rometo

Chill! Or, How to Safely Thaw a (Thanksgiving) Turkey

November 13, 2015

By Dr. Maria Rometo Extension Agent II Thanksgiving is right around the corner, along with all the holiday planning of meals and guest lists. But how do you safely thaw that frozen turkey you purchased a few weeks ago on sale at the grocery ... READ MORE

Category: Food Safety, Work & Life
Tags: Bacteria, Cook, Defrost, Family And Consumer Sciences, FCS, Food Safety, Maria Rometo, Rometo, Safety, Thanksgiving, Thaw, Turkey