Extension Orange County

Tag: #OC4H

The Terry Floyd Scholarship to be Increased to Secure Funds for 4-H Youth Scholarships

February 28, 2020

The Orange 4-H Association decided to increase the Terry Floyd Scholarship Endowment, thanks to an anonymous gift and savings from various 4-H fundraisers established by the 4-H Agents in Orange County. This donation will secure three scholarships, ... READ MORE

Category: 4-H & Youth, Clubs & Volunteers
Tags: #4-HGrowshere, #4HVolunteers, #4HYouth, #FL4H, #FL4HCamps, #OC4H, #Orange4H, #TerryFloydScholarship, 4-H, Orange County

An Orange County Legacy to be Inducted to the Florida 4-H Hall of Fame

June 30, 2019

On July 31st 2019, Mr. Bobby Beagles will be inducted into the Florida 4-H Hall of Fame. Bobby has been very engaged with 4-H, Extension, and FFA. He has been involved with the Orange County 4-H program since 1983, when his daughter joined a ... READ MORE

Category: 4-H & Youth, AGRICULTURE, Clubs & Volunteers
Tags: #4-HGrowshere, #FloridaFarmBureau, #OC4H, #OrangeCounty, #youthdevelopment, 4H, Leadership, Ocextension, Volunteers, Youth

Consider 4-H Summer Camps

April 29, 2019

Summer Plans for the Kids This is the time of the year when kids dream of summer vacation and fun! Meanwhile, parents are looking for ways to keep their children engaged and minimize screen time. UF/IFAS Orange County 4-H can provide both ... READ MORE

Category: 4-H & Youth, Camp, Conservation, Curriculum, Health & Nutrition, Recreation, UF/IFAS Extension
Tags: #CampCloverleaf, #OC4H, #youthdevelopment, 4-H, Healthy Living, Life Skills, Ocextension, Youth

Orange County 4-H Youth Programs Help Kids to Develop Interest in Agriculture Careers

March 26, 2019

Orange County 4-H is preparing youth to be responsible citizens and productive members of the workforce through livestock projects such as beef, swine, sheep, poultry, cavy and rabbits, which help youth develop knowledge and skills that increase ... READ MORE

Category: 4-H & Youth, AGRICULTURE, Clubs & Volunteers
Tags: #4-HGrowshere, #4HEverywhere #CFF, #OC4H, #OC_4H, 4-H, Agriculture, Livestock, Ocextension, Youth

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