Tag: vaccinations

4-H Cattle Round Up Summer Camp
July 3, 2019
The dog days of summer are here, but 4-H kids and cattle ranchers have to learn to bare the heat to get the job done. As proud new owners of their Ranch in Flagler County, Paul and Deb Mears hosted Day 3 of our 4-H Cattle Round Up Summer Camp. ... READ MORE
Category: 4-H & Youth, Agriculture, Camp, LivestockTags: Beef, Cattle, Herd, Vaccinations, Working

EEE in EMU in Flagler County
April 1, 2019
Eastern equine encephalitis (EEE) virus was confirmed in a pet emu housed in Flagler County during the week of March 25, 2019. EEE is a mosquito-borne alphavirus that commonly affects horses, but can also infect humans. Wild birds serve as ... READ MORE
Category: Agriculture, LivestockTags: EEE, Emu, Horse, Vaccinations

Horse Herald- Horse Vaccinations
September 5, 2018
Horse Vaccinations There are many vaccinations available for horse owners to better protect their animals from diseases. In the fact-sheet below, a general description and guideline is given for common vaccines, but owners should always consult ... READ MORE
Category: Agriculture, LivestockTags: Horse Health, Horse Herald, Horse Vaccinations, Horses, NFLAG, Vaccinations

Don’t Forget Your Horses’ Paperwork
February 12, 2018
It all started as I was getting ready to take my daughters and their two horses out of state (South Georgia) for another youth rodeo. I spent most of Friday morning running around town, filling up my truck, going to the store for drinks and ... READ MORE
Category: Agriculture, Farm Management, LivestockTags: Coggins, Foal Registration, Health Certificates, Horse Ownership, Horses, Proof Of Quarantine, Race Nominations, Shuffitt, Vaccinations

Have You Gotten Your Flu Vaccine?
December 7, 2015
This week (December 6–13) is National Influenza Vaccination Week. Getting vaccinated for the flu not only protects you from getting the flu but also helps prevent flu from spreading in your community and affecting those most at risk (CDC 2015). Even ... READ MORE
Category: Health & Nutrition, SFYL Hot Topic, Work & LifeTags: Family Hot Topic, Flu, Flu Vaccine, Vaccinations

Vaccinating Small Poultry Flocks
November 16, 2015
Commercial poultry is typically vaccinated, but small flock owners rarely vaccinate their birds for a variety of reasons: vaccines are too expensive, the owners are unaware disease is present, or they don’t know where to purchase vaccines. If ... READ MORE
Category: Agriculture, Farm Management, Food Safety, Pests & Disease, SFYL Hot TopicTags: Agriculture, Agriculture Hot Topic, Disease Prevention, Farm Management, Food Safety, Poultry, Vaccinating Flocks, Vaccinating Poultry, Vaccinations