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Tag: Seonghee Lee

bright red strawberries held in the palm of two hands

UF scientists see bright future as they seek savory strawberries – and high yield

June 8, 2023

Strawberry consumers love the fruit’s sweet flavor, and University of Florida scientists are trying to meet that desire, while also helping growers produce high yields. But genes and volatile compounds that control flavor are difficult ... READ MORE

Category: Agriculture
Tags: AI, Aroma, Artificial Intelligence, Flavor, Genetics, Gulf Coast Research And Education Center, Kevin Wang, Mark Porter, Plant Breeding Ph.D. Program, Precision Ag, Seonghee Lee, Strawberries, Strawberry Breeding, Strawberry Genome, Taste Panels, Vance Whitaker

Strawberry growers globally could benefit from UF/IFAS research into dangerous disease

May 11, 2022

Strawberry farmers worldwide may get help from new University of Florida research that shows a way to battle one of the fruit’s fiercest foes. The key: combine genomic data with phenomics. The genome amounts to all the DNA in an organism. ... READ MORE

Category: Agriculture, Crops
Tags: Detection, Disease, Genes, Genomics, Gulf Coast Research And Education Center, Horticultural Sciences, Phenomics, Plant Breeding, Powdery Mildew, Ronald Tapia, Sensor, Seonghee Lee, Strawberries, Vance Whitaker

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