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Tag: resistance

Researchers make progress on breeding citrus canker-resistant plants; discovery may lead to breeding citrus greening-resistant trees

September 21, 2022

BALM, Fla. – A promising method to support the development of citrus varieties that are resistant to deadly diseases is the advancement of gene editing.  By “knocking out” genes within the plant that are susceptible to the pathogen that ... READ MORE

Category: UF/IFAS
Tags: Canker, Citrus, Citrus Greening, Citrus Research And Education Center, Fred Gmitter, Gene Editing, Gulf Coast Research And Education Center, HLB, Resistance, Ruth-borger.borger, Zhanao Deng

UF/IFAS researchers awarded $10.5M to work on citrus greening resistance or tolerance

January 19, 2018

GAINESVILLE, Fla. --- With citrus greening devastating Florida’s $8.6 billion-a-year citrus industry, three University of Florida scientists will use $10.52 million in federal grants to study ways to help growers cope with the disease, including ... READ MORE

Category: UF/IFAS
Tags: Arnold Schumann, Citrus Greening, Citrus Research And Education Center, Grants, Michael Rogers, Microbiology And Cell Science, Microcell, News, Nian Wang, Nifa, Resistance, Soil And Water Sciences, Tolerance, Zhonglin Mou