Tag: honeybees

December 2023 First Friday with Florida First Detector
December 4, 2023
Recap of December 2023 First Friday with Florida First Detector In this month's webinar, we focused on Hymenoptera, an order of insects that includes wasps, bees, ants, hornets and more. Hymenoptera is an extremely diverse order of insects. ... READ MORE
Category: Agriculture, Crops, Florida-Friendly Landscaping, Fruits & Vegetables, Home Landscapes, Home Management, Horticulture, Invasive Species, Lawn, Livestock, Natural Resources, Pests & Disease, Pests & Disease, Professional Development, Turf, UF/IFAS ExtensionTags: Ants, Bees, Biosecurity, Early Detection, FFD23-24, FloridaFirstDetector, Honeybees, Hornets, Hymenoptera, Invasive Species, SeminoleCountyAg, Wasps

Florida Beekeeping: Tips For Splitting Hives
October 20, 2023
Beekeepers must have good management practices within their apiaries to succeed. One of these practices is splitting their hives when necessary to avoid the loss of bees through swarming. What is swarming? Swarming is a natural ... READ MORE
Category: Agribusiness, Agriculture, Farm Management, Livestock, UF/IFAS, UF/IFAS ExtensionTags: Beekeeping, Bees, Florida_farms, Hive_splits, Honeybees, Polksmallfarms, Small Farms, UF-IFAS, UF/IFAS Polk County

Apicultura en Florida: Consejos para Dividir las Colmenas
October 20, 2023
Los apicultores deben tener buenas prácticas de manejo dentro de sus apiarios para tener éxito. Una de estas prácticas es dividir sus colmenas cuando sea necesario para evitar la pérdida de abejas por enjambre. ¿Qué es ... READ MORE
Category: Agribusiness, Agriculture, Farm Management, Livestock, UF/IFAS, UF/IFAS Extension,Tags: Abejas, Apicultura, En Espanol, Español, Florida Farms, Hive_splits, Honeybees, Polksmallfarms, Small Farms, UF-IFAS, UF/IFAS Polk County

Agentes Agrícolas Apoyan la Apicultura: Recursos Digitales en Español Sobre el Manejo de Abejas.
September 14, 2023
Las abejas melíferas (“honey bees”) son de suma importancia para la agricultura. El 85% de todos los cultivos que consumimos son polinizados por las abejas melíferas. Existe mucha curiosidad por las abejas de parte del público general ... READ MORE
Category: Agribusiness, Agriculture, Farm Management, Livestock, Pests & Disease, UF/IFAS, UF/IFAS Extension, UF/IFAS TeachingTags: Abejas, Apicultura, Apiculture, Digitalresources, En Espanol, Español, Honeybees, Podcast, Polksmallfarms, UF-IFAS, UF/IFAS Polk County

Bees Make Honey…and Just About Everything Else We Eat
August 16, 2023
Saturday, August 19th is National Honey Bee Day. It may be a day off for some of us, but honey bees are busy all the time, gathering nectar for the good of queen and colony. And as they do, they carry pollen from flower to flower, playing a ... READ MORE
Category: 4-H & Youth, AgricultureTags: Honey Bee Research And Extension Laboratory, Honey Bees, Honeybees, National Honey Bee Day, Pollinators

Florida Farm Pests: Small Hive Beetles
August 11, 2023
The Western Honey Bee has many pests and diseases that beekeepers must control to maintain their bees' health. Among these pests are Small Hive Beetles. What are Small Hive Beetles and how I can Identify them? Small Hive ... READ MORE
Category: Agriculture, Farm Management, Livestock, Pests & Disease, UF/IFAS ExtensionTags: Beekeeping, Florida Farms, Florida_Pests, Honeybees, Polk_Small_Farms, Small_hive_beetles, UF-IFAS, UF/IFAS Polk County

Plagas de las Fincas de Florida: Pequeños Escarabajos de Colmena (“Small Hive Beetles”)
August 11, 2023
La abeja melífera occidental tiene muchas plagas y enfermedades que los apicultores deben controlar para mantener la salud de sus abejas. Entre estas plagas se encuentran el escarabajo pequeño de la colmena. ¿Qué son los ... READ MORE
Category: Agriculture, Farm Management, Livestock, Pests & Disease, UF/IFAS ExtensionTags: Beekeeping, En Espanol, Español, Florida Farms, Florida Pests, Honeybees, Polk_Small_Farms, Small_hive_beetles, UF-IFAS, UF/IFAS Polk County

The Importance of Beekeeping and Polk County 4-H Beginner Beekeeping Workshop
February 13, 2023
Beekeeping is an important aspect of agriculture in Florida and offers numerous opportunities for youth to learn and develop important life skills. By participating in a beginner beekeeping class, youth can develop skills such as communication, ... READ MORE
Category: 4-H & Youth, Agriculture, Events, LivestockTags: 4-H, 4-H & Youth, Beekeeping, Bees, Honeybees, Polk Small Farms, Polk4H, UF/IFAS Polk County

Minimizing Pesticide Exposure to Bees and Other Pollinators
January 20, 2023
Pesticides are an important part of any farmer’s Integrated Pest Management (IPM) to maintain low pests population and avoid economical losses. It is important that all pesticide applications are executed following label instructions to minimize ... READ MORE
Category: Agriculture, Farm Management, Livestock, UF/IFAS, UF/IFAS ExtensionTags: Beekeeping, Bees, Honeybees, Native Bees, Pesticide_protection, Polksmallfarms, Pollinators, UF-IFAS, UF/IFAS Polk County