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Tag: cold weather

Where to Find Weather Information for Nursery Growers in Miami-Dade County When Monitoring Low Temperatures for Cold Protection?

September 22, 2023

Qingchun Liu, Teresa Olczyk, and William R. Lusher Ornamental productions in Miami-Dade County are concentrated in the Homestead area, the southwest corner of the County. During the wintertime, particularly from late December through January, ... READ MORE

Category: Agriculture, Horticulture, UF/IFAS Extension
Tags: Cold Protection, Cold Weather, Ornamentals
Alachua County, Blueberries, Frozen, Frost, Watering with Sprinkler Irrigation. UF/IFAS Photo: Josh Wickham.

The Threat of Freezing Temps and Hard Cold Weather isn’t Over Yet

December 10, 2017

The threat of freezing temps and hard cold weather isn't over just yet this season. There are 5 things you should think about with this tough cold weather: Protect yourself and those around you. Wear hats and gloves, stay dry and, stay ... READ MORE

Category: Health & Nutrition, Home Management, UF/IFAS, UF/IFAS Extension, Work & Life
Tags: Cold Weather, Family Safety, Hamilton County, Safety

Florida Snow! Nature’s Reminder to Enhance Backyard Wildlife Habitat

February 2, 2014

15.00 North Florida experienced a weather delight (or distress depending on your point of view!) this week in the form of freezing rain and snow! The words “Florida” and “snow” are two words most people would not place together ... READ MORE

Category: Natural Resources
Tags: Backyard Wildlife, Climate, Cold Weather, Creating Habitat, Curiosities, Environmental Education, Florida Snow, Habitat Conservation, Panhandle Outdoors, Tallahassee, Weather, Wildlife

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